Oscar Cingolani: “A patient recovered by COVID-19 who receives a dose of Pfizer or Moderna is as much or more protected than the one who received both doses”


Oscar Cingolani, a prestigious Argentine researcher based in the United States, warned: "people who have had COVID and receive one dose of Pfizer or Moderna are as or more protected than those who received both doses"
Oscar Cingolani, a prestigious Argentine researcher based in the United States, warned: “People who have had COVID and receive a dose of Pfizer or Moderna are as much or more protected than those who have received both doses”

COVID-19 pandemic will leave behind several scientific milestones never reached, for example in the speed at which it was created and Apply various vaccines in billions of weapons around the world and also in the follow-up to the advance of a virus such as SARS-CoV-2, as he does every day interactive map and updated in real time created by the Johns Hopkins University. Behind this innovative epidemiological tool are hidden several brilliant minds, including that of the prestigious Argentinian cardiologist Oscar Cingolani, one of the most listened to and respected voices in the microworld of science and one of the scientists who knows the coronavirus best.

Based in the United States, where he is professor of medicine and director of the Center for Arterial Hypertension and the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (CCU) of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, one of the most recognized teaching hospitals in the world and which played a leading role during this period. In exclusive dialogue with Infobae from Maryland, United States, Cingolani announced that in the United States the possibility of “modifying vaccination records so that those who have had COVID with a single dose are considered fully vaccinated, because We see that it has been shown in the United States (with Pfizer and Moderna) that a single application has equal or greater immunity than if one had not had coronavirus and had received both components of the vaccine.”.

The researcher also referred, consulted by this means, to the Delta variant burst onto the world stage, the possibility of combining vaccines Yes the possibility that Argentina is, due to its slow vaccination campaign and the behavior of the virus during the winter, on the threshold of a third wave.

Cingolani told Infobae that in the United States the possibility of
Cingolani told Infobae that in the United States the possibility of “modifying vaccination records so that those who have had COVID with a single dose are considered fully vaccinated” (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic / Illustration / File Photo )

—A patient recovered from COVID-19 who receives one dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is equally or more protected than those who received both doses?

-Yes, this is primarily based on data that was obtained here in the United States, looking at patients who had coronavirus and then received a dose of Pfizer or Moderna. They were found to not only produce much more neutralizing antibodies, but also greater cellular immunity, i.e. memory cells. The only problem that has also been observed in people vaccinated with AstraZeneca-Oxford is that there is variability according to each person. What we see is that there are patients who have COVID that is asymptomatic or with very few symptoms who develop weaker immunity. What we are considering now is that while we continue to insist that measuring antibodies does not help to know whether vaccines are effective, measuring antibodies with certain methods in those who have had a. coronavirus can tell us whether that person needs a single dose or two doses.

What we are seeing is that today, until It is being attempted in the United States and in the coming weeks we will see, modify the vaccination records so that those who have had COVID with a single dose are considered to be fully vaccinated., since we see that It has been shown in the United States (with Pfizer and Moderna) that a single application has equal or greater immunity than if one had not had coronavirus and had received both components of the vaccine.

The United States has passed 604,000 deaths from COVID-19 (Photo: Justin Lane / EFE)
The United States has passed 604,000 deaths from COVID-19 (Photo: Justin Lane / EFE)

– At the local level, in Argentina, do we know what is happening with the Sputnik V vaccine in cured patients who receive a dose?

No it’s not known. The only thing we know about Sputnik is that Through his Twitter account, he went out to say that his vaccine is effective against all variants, and that in fact a dose for those who have had COVID is effective.. The problem is that at least I have I haven’t seen any published scientific work to support it, only the communication of this inoculant. If we believe what they say about Gamaleya, a single dose of Sputnik would be effective. What I believe is that today In view of the Delta variant and a next strain that may arise, I think we should opt for a full vaccination, as soon as possible, to avoid an increase in cases..

COVID-19 has already generated more than 180 million cases worldwide, 3.9 million deaths and 2.8 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines have been applied worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University (Photo: EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archive)
COVID-19 has already generated more than 180 million cases worldwide, 3.9 million deaths and 2.8 billion doses of coronavirus vaccines have been applied worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University (Photo: EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archive)

– What panorama do you see in relation to the arrival of the Delta variant on the scene in the United States and its distribution throughout the world? Could this further complicate efforts to eradicate the virus and its circulation?

This variant will undoubtedly complicate the efforts.. In the United States, we are preparing for the start of summer vacation, which now begins on July 4th. An increase in regional cases is expected to occur, as Here there are nearly 50% of the population fully vaccinated, more than 60% with at least one dose, but we know that there are regions that have vaccinated less.. We hope that maybe since we have more than 20% Delta variant between us, we will see an increase in daily cases of COVID-19, and we will see this increase in areas where there was more reluctance to vaccinate. It’s been since in some jurisdictions there are a large number of anti-vaccine people, who do not want to be vaccinated, will not be vaccinated or believe in vaccination. In these places, we hope to see an increase in the number of people infected.

"In the United States, we are preparing for the start of the summer vacation, which now begins on July 4 and therefore an increase in reported cases is expected.", warned Infobae Cingolani (Photo: REUTERS / Yana Paskova)
“In the United States, we are preparing for the start of the summer vacation, which now begins on July 4 and therefore an increase in reported cases is expected,” Cingolani Infobae warned (Photo: REUTERS / Yana Paskova)

—The strategy of supplementing vaccination schedules for those who received the first dose of Sputnik V with the CanSino vaccine is being analyzed in Argentina. Critical?

Yes, since CanSino uses the same adenovirus or vector as the second component of Sputnik V. That doesn’t sound like a bad idea to me., but this strategy is not proven. I think six or nine months ago we took the time to look for the answers of science to apply them. Today the pace and dynamics of the pandemic are different, and we may not have time to wait for clinical trials and we have to start “improvising” when combining vaccines. It is possible that if there is no second dose of Sptunik and there is a dose of CanSino that uses adenovirus 5, it would not be a bad idea to combine it to get greater immunity.

In Argentina, health authorities are analyzing the possibility of supplementing the vaccination schedules of those who have been inoculated with Sputnik V with doses of CanSino (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)
In Argentina, health authorities are analyzing the possibility of supplementing the vaccination schedules of those who have been inoculated with Sputnik V with doses of CanSino (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)

– Do you see how much we are facing a third wave in Argentina?

I think it is very possible, because they have a very small number of vaccinated in Argentina and there is a great viral circulation. These two variables, added to the fact that they are in winter, the virus has a little more circulation during the cold months. Argentina must insist, not stop and not lower its guard, trying to get vaccines and be open to acquiring not only one, two or three, but as many as possible, in order to be able to combine them in the at-risk patients who received a single dose.

Para Cingolani, "A third wave in Argentina is very possible, because they have a very small number of vaccinated in the country and there is a large viral circulation" (Photo: EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / File)
For Cingolani, “a third wave in Argentina is very possible, because they have a very small number of vaccinated in the country and there is a great viral circulation” (Photo: EFE / Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / Archive)

– For young people with co-morbidities, trying to get a Pfizer vaccine would be a priority?

– If we start to analyze the language of scientists around the world, not just in the United States, it is clear that six months ago we said that all vaccines were the same and today it is not the case, since we difference. And it’s not because there are some that are bad, but that Pfizer and Moderna continue to test with data to date that it is very effective in young people and against new variants.

Having the large number of vaccines, the United States has applied hundreds of millions of doses, and scientific data continues to be produced on the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines, I think. Argentina must open up to Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson.


Oscar Cingolani, scientist at Johns Hopkins University: “Unequal distribution of vaccines is dangerous for humanity”
“If not tested, it will only increase mortality,” said one of the Johns Hopkins specialists who is most familiar with the coronavirus.
Oscar Cingolani Are there any vaccines of your choice, scientifically? #Interviews

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