Other activities of former secretary K Daniel Muñoz: 22 pharmacies


Daniel Muñoz, the former secretary of Néstor Kirchner, bought San-Up, a well-known brand of nebulizers, in 2013. $ 34 million. He did it through Víctor Manzanares, the historical accountant of Kirchner and now a protected witness. However, this case adds to others still unknown to the justice.

According to Manzanares himself, who provided the court with the details of the operation, the company pbaded to Carlos Temístocles Cortez, arrested for the cause of the notebooks bribes, as indicated The nation.

But, in addition to all the investments made by Muñoz, TN Central They revealed another case unknown so far: Cortez, at the request of Muñoz – who died in 2016 – he would have bought several pharmacies in Patagonia. It started with one, but with time, acquired 22. On the website of the channel – which is called Autofarma – they tell the story of the company, where the name of Cortez appears directly.

Manzanares said he conducted the operation at Muñoz's request.
Manzanares said he conducted the operation at Muñoz's request.

"In the heart of Río Gallegos, province of Santa Cruz, the couple Llaneza, integrated by the pharmaceutical company Mrs. Gilda Giglio and her husband, Mr. Eliseo Llaneza, inaugurate their first pharmacy" Pueblo "in 1967", begins the description of the 39; company. And it continues: "With the new millennium, they have integrated the project into Carlos T. Cortez. (With him), the first studies began, the first meetings with consultants, sketches projects.

This news comes after it was learned that Muñoz was the owner of the 1301 department of the luxurious Hotel Plaza in New York. The room has spacious rooms, majestic decor and amazing views of Central Park.

Last week, as part of the investigation into the case of the bribes, Manzanares had badured before the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli that Muñoz and his wife, the repentant Carolina Pochetti, had a fortune of $ 150 million.


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