Other rejections are added and Kirchnerism is still far from the quorum


Before signing the notice, the ruling party he still does not have enough figures for 129 deputies to sit in their place and provide the necessary quorum to allow on-site processing.

The Frente de Todos has 118 legislators and needs 11 allies to achieve a quorum. But membership is on the rise and the TDF has between four and six lawmakers to reach it. This Tuesday, the left, the people of Cordoba who respond to Governor Juan Schiaretti and Luis Di Giácomo de Rio Negro ratified that they will not accompany.

“As we said, we are not going to give a quorum, we are not going to sign an opinion and in the event that they reach the quorum, we will vote negatively. In Cordoba, all the reforms that have been carried out have been by consensus and that is what we are calling for against a discussion of this tenor, ”condemned the federal bloc of Cordoba in a brief press release via social networks.

This bench is composed of four members – Carlos Gutiérrez, Alejandra Vigo, Paulo Cassinerio and Claudia Márquez – and is part of the Federal Interblock of 11 members led by Eduardo “Bali” Bucca who also he withdrew from the initiative on Monday.

“We have not been able to establish a basic consensus on the health parameters for decision making. What reform of the prosecution could we do in these circumstances?”

In this inter-bloc, the first to mark their rejection were the three Lavagnist legislators: Alejandro “Topo” Rodríguez, Graciela Camaño and Jorge Sarghini. “The political forces whose leaders are prosecuted cannot resolve the reforms which the justice service needs to improve its functioning,” they also condemned.

For his part, Andres Zottos (Justicialismo) did not speak but retweeted Bucca’s rejection message. The Santa Fe Luis Contigiani (Civic and Social Progressive Front) and Enrique Estévez (socialism), will not accompany them either.

“We are against and we will not provide a quorum for the treatment of the prosecution reform project because the changes promoted by the ruling party can function as a tool of political pressure on prosecutors, violating the division of powers. , “said Estévez.

Por su parte, Contigiani Planteó: “Hace meses expressed that the reforma al Ministerio Público Fiscal requires de un alto consenso y legitimidad. Mientras la prioridad es cuidarnos, fortalecer el rol del Estado, luchar contra la pandemia, ayudar al que más sufre, levantar the economy “

For its part, a few minutes before the committee meeting to rule on the project, the left also announced that it would neither accompany nor give a quorum.

“The MPF reform law proposed by the ruling party implies greater control by the current government over the attorney general and the judiciary. The macrismo promoted an almost identical project in 2017. We’re going to reject it like we did back then and we won’t. contribute to the quorum, ”announced Nicolás del Caño (PTS).

The lawmaker also recalled that in 2017, under the Cambiemos government, Senator PRO, Federico Pinedo, also introduced a bill aimed at cutting the mandate of the Attorney General and cutting the majority to appoint him.

Carlos Giordano (socialist left) spoke in the same direction. “We reject the government’s plan, we are not going to give him a quorum and we say that judges and prosecutors must be elected by popular vote; their life posts must be abolished; they must win as a school principal and the jury trial must be carried out, ”she said.

For his part, Luis Di Giácomo de Rio Negro ratified on Tuesday that he would not give a quorum or vote on the bill, despite the fact that the senator of his space Alberto Weretilneck was one of the authors of the rule in the upper house.

However, the investiture of Martín Soria as Minister of Justice – an old provincial enemy of his political force – was a game-changer. “I said it in March and I still think the same thing,” said Di Giacomo, recalling his remarks when he announced that they would not accompany any judicial reform as long as Soria was minister.

“The appointment of Martín Soria, with no training or experience in judicial matters, a groundless, quarrelsome and confrontational serial complainant seems more in line with the intentions to intervene and put pressure on all justice than to achieve reforms for the benefit of the ‘together,’ said.

His five other colleagues from the Federal Unit and Equity Interblock headed by José Luis Ramón de Mendoza are inclined to accompany him.

The federal action bloc – led by Felipe Alvarez and Antonio Carambia – has not spoken. The monoblocks of Beatriz Avila and Alma Sapag were not either, although they would also be prone to rejection.


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