Otitis also says present in winter: the key difference with the summer


They are mainly related to the summer season but auditory infections are also of great importance in the country's hospital guards during the winter . otitis the low temperature that accompanies the arrival of winter can produce respiratory complaints that otherwise are treated can cause hearing problems.

Acute otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear caused by a virus or bacteria that generates fluid accumulation in the eardrum . This build up of fluid causes earache, swelling, redness and also prevents ear drum vibration, which usually causes hearing problems.

The condition may result from a common cold allergy or respiratory infection typical periods of cold during the winter.

Liliana Tiberti (MN 69199), doctor otoneurocirujana British Hospital explains that: "This pathology mainly affects young children up to the age of 7 years. Incidence is decreasing significantly .Although acute otitis media can also occur in adults, it is more common in infants and children, because The Eustachian tube has a more horizontal position, and is shorter, allowing the pbadage of germs from the nose to the middle ear. "

While low temperatures can cause illness the ages that allow the onset from this discomfort, there are external factors such as poor diet, badfeeding, and the presence of smokers in the near environment may expose groups at risk of contracting it.

The key difference with ear otitis

It is important to go to the doctor early in the winter for to perform a check and d & # 's To evaluate what measures can be taken to avoid the appearance of factors that facilitate the manifestation of otitis. 19659002] Unlike otitis externa proper to the summer, those that occur in the middle ear during the winter season have a particular routine preventive .

"For prevention is important avoid sudden changes in temperature and have a varied and adequate diet to strengthen the defenses You should also avoid places with smokers and maintain good personal hygiene and Some children may have recurring episodes, which should be properly studied, and winter swimming and the children's garden should be suspended during the winter months, "says Tiberti, but though otitis is not a contagious disease, a cold can spread in children and make them prone to having the infection that has certain symptoms.

Earache, redness fever crying e Irritation are some of them.There are children who may have an ear discharge, sleep disturbance or loss of appetite, i It is therefore important to be alert and consult a doctor when any of the symptoms is detected.

The usual treatment of acute otitis media is performed with antibiotics for a period of time determined by the physician, taking as reference the germs they are responsible for these processes. Usually, with the antibiotic treatment, the symptomatology improves significantly in 48 hours.

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