Our Lady: two months after the fire, the first Mass will be held today


Two months ago, the incisive Parisian church burned Source: AFP – Credit: FABIEN BARRAU

PARIS (AFP) .- The archbishop of


Monseigneur Michel Aupetit will celebrate this afternoon the first mbad of

Our Lady

after the spectacular fire that partially destroyed the cathedral two months ago.

"For obvious reasons of safety", according to the
diocese of Paris, no faithful will be present at the mbad, but it will be broadcast live by the Catholic channel KTO, so that "Christians can participate and receive communion".

Only thirty people, half of whom are priests, will participate
the mbad of one hour, which
It will begin at 6 pm local time in the chapel behind the choir, a place where security is guaranteed.

Mgr Aupetit and the rector of Notre-Dame, Bishop Patrick Chauvet, canons, volunteers, people who worked in the cathedral and employees of the diocese will be present. All badistants must wear a helmet, although priests keep their usual liturgical clothes.

Consolidation phase

The fire of the cathedral of April 15 caused a great stir worldwide and an impulse of solidarity to save and restore this emblematic place of the French capital. The monument, a World Heritage Site of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (
Unesco), lost his needle, his roof and part of his vault.

The date of the Mbad was chosen in connection with the celebration of the dedication, which commemorates the consecration of the altar of the cathedral. A date "highly significant spiritually," told AFP Bishop Chauvet.

A small group of communicators will gather in the chapel of the Virgin (more to the east of the building) which housed the crown of thorns, one of the cathedral's treasures for Catholics, and which was saved
in extremis flames the night of fire.

The esplanade in front of the cathedral is closed to the public, so the religious service that precedes the Mbad can not be held there, as it was considered at some point.

Since the fire, between 60 and 150 workers are working in the area, removing debris and stabilizing the structure. The monument is still in the consolidation phase. Site strengthening will take several weeks before long, complex studies begin before the renovations.

A five-year restoration

The French president

Emmanuel Macron

He is committed to rebuilding the cathedral five years from now.

On the other hand, two months after the fire that partially devastated the cathedral, only 9% of the 850 million euros promised for its restoration have been paid, although the authorities are waiting for it the amounts arrive.

This is explained by the fact that small donations from individuals are made without special conditions, but that large donations from companies and collectives are subject to much more complex and time consuming processes.



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