Our mind is designed to enjoy the suffering of others.


"We humans love to kill. In fact, we are super predators, we kill more animals and in larger numbers than any other species. Are we programmed to kill? ", Reproduces the BBC with reference to the questions of the title of the expert.

And he adds that human beings must always kill to survive: our bodies kill bacteria, we kill plants and animals to eat them and also, since ancient times, we commit suicide when we feel threatened or have some something to win.

As rare as it may seem, killing is essential to the human condition. But does everyone have a murderer inside? Or are we all able to kill at some point? According to the expert, "we are all separated only by a bad decision to tragically harm others, like a surge or explosion of madness". And While this does not mean that we are all likely to act in such a horrible way, it means that we should all badume that we are capable of causing great harm to others.

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"In my book "Doing Evil", I talk about several studies on this subject. In one of them, most of the participants (men and women) confessed that they had fantasies about the murder: they fantasized about the murder of people like their colleagues or loved ones. Shaw said. He added, "These thoughts are normal, fortunately, translating them into reality is not."

In fact, he suggests that fantasizing about it can be helpful to avoid harm, since after thinking about it, the person can conclude that he does not want his terrible consequences. "We often see that those who end up killing do not fantasize about it, as do the bad guys in the movies; on the other hand, it is often the result of a fight that goes too far or jealousy, "said the expert.

In fact, Julia Shaw stated that most of Sometimes murder is not the result of the careful planning of a sadist or a psychopath, but a bad decision that persecutes people until the end of the year. their days.

But if murder is in our nature, why do we consider the killing of one human being in the hands of another as something monstrous? The psychologist proposes that We are not honest with the appointment because the people "do not see all murders as evil". And this illustrates those who are in self-defense or those soldiers who are usually called heroes when they fight enemy troops.

"What people agree to call bad is the killing of people who are considered" innocent ", especially when this act seems motivated by sadism. But this kind of murder is very rare, so rare that he lives almost exclusively in our imagination and in killer movies. "he said.

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Shaw says that by thinking that we are "good", we underestimate our ability to hurt and that it is urgent to "know ourselves better". In fact, the expert cites experiments done to show what some scientists call "daily sadism". Participants were asked to harm others by various methods, such as administering loud noises or destroying insects. "The investigation revealed that even though many of us would be willing to harm an innocent victim, only those who get a higher score in sadism do so when they realize that". another person does not defend himself, "he said.

"All our minds are designed to take advantage of the suffering of others, for example when we experience joy when a colleague we hate fails, but fortunately we do it only occasionally," The expert has closed.

Also the book is immersed in the pbadive badaults, such as not answering a call or talking to loved ones. With friends we can ignore an apology text, with parents we can be late to frustrate them and with lovers we can refuse to have bad to punish them for the bad behavior that we perceive. Why are we doing these things?

"One of the reasons might be that this type of behavior is easy to deny. If they discover you and accuse you of being pbadively aggressive during an argument, you can always say, "What? If I did not do anything. We can tell ourselves that since it is aggression due to inaction and not to action, we are not to blame. However, pbadive aggression can be as detrimental to the relationships and psychological well-being of others as other types of aggression, "therefore," we must be careful to control the anger or frustration that is usually at the root , to minimize the damage as much as possible. "


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