Outrage by tweet joke simulating the search for Madeleine McCann in Portugal | Society


The case of Madeleine McCann is considered one of the most enigmatic disappearances of recent years, because it has never stopped looking for the location of the girl who is currently 15 years old teenager..

Maddie disappeared in 2007 while she was on vacation with her family in Portugal, Praia da Luz. Until now, he has not been found and no one knows if he is alive or dead, although the material produced by Netflix guarantees that the girl is alive and that the girl is alive and dead. deal should be resolved quickly.

Since 2016, more than 8,000 potential observations have been recorded in 101 different countries and territories, but almost all have been excluded as possible stops for the girl. Still, their parents and authorities are hoping social media can help find Maddie, considering the distinctiveness of their eyes to look at photos on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

However, these same networks can sometimes do quite the opposite and even cruel work. This is what happened a few days ago in the small network of blue birds, where the user Hafsa (@__haffs) shared a video of a supposed search for the minor during his holidays in Portugal.

The main caption of the clip said: "I find it unusual how @NetflixUK did not want to add my search for Madeleine to The disappearance of Madeleine McCann (documentary)"

search joke Madeleine McCann

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Watching the video, we hear the tourist say: "I arrived in Portugal and took care of looking for Madeleine McCann"Then you see a pbadenger from a tuk-tuk (motorized tricycle vehicle) pointing to another vehicle driven by a woman.At that moment, you hear other travelers say:"We are about to be rich, here it is"

search joke Madeleine McCann

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The moment they even stood next to the woman's tuk-tuk to say "Oi, Maddie" then to add: "Oh, my God, what happened to you? You are not Portuguese, darling. You are not here"The woman obviously did not understand what was going on.

search joke Madeleine McCann

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The user ended up eliminating the tweet not without having been previously retweeted about two thousand times, severely criticizing the woman. "Have a little respect … there is still a girl missing"; "Madeleine McCann's jokes will never be tolerated – honestly, it really boils my blood"; "I can not be the only one to have seen this with a completely serious face all along," they commented on some of his misplaced remarks.

You can check the outrageous video HERE.


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