over 600 retired soldiers lobbied the JNE against Castillo’s victory


Although the centrist interim government and observers of the AEO they ensured that the elections were fair, Fujimori and his supporters insist there was fraud in favor of leftist Pedro Castillo, who was first in the final vote, although the election jury has yet to resolve the challenges before proclaiming the winner.

“We want the truth, we want the national election jury […] review all the requests that have been made at the polling stations, ”said General Fernando Ordóñez, retired from the Air Force, at the rally at the Ovalo Quiñónez in Lima, during which many Peruvian flags and banners against communism were seen.

Many soldiers wore their pilot uniforms or jackets, as well as the berets and caps of the institutions in which they served, and some even wore their swords or sabers, AFP journalists observed.

“Communism cannot enter this country. We are a country that has a lot of wealth, but there are inequalities, we have to work on it, but not in this way,” the captain told AFP. retired Jorge del Águila.


Keiko’s complaints

The daughter of jailed former president Alberto Fujimori began to denounce the fraud when Castillo he passed it in a slow examination, without providing any tangible evidence.

“We don’t want a coup, we want democracy, and that’s what’s not happening now” in Peru, retired air force commander told AFP , who asked not to reveal his name.

“If it is a fair process, it is respected, but that image is not given. [militares] Those who are active have their function constitutionally and do not have to cover neither, ”said a retired army lieutenant colonel, who carried his sword, and also declined to reveal. his identity.

The unusual protest was called on social media after interim Peruvian President Francisco Sagasti on Friday condemned appeals by retired officers to heads of the armed forces to prevent Castillo from being proclaimed the winner in the election.

Military in Peru.mp4

In Lima, a hundred retired Armed Forces have called for “transparency” and against “terrorism”.

“It is unacceptable […] that a group of retired armed forces intends to incite the army, navy and air high command to violate the rule of law, ”Sagasti said last week in a message televised.

Sagasti’s words inflamed many retired officers, who interpreted them as veiled support for Castillo, a rural teacher from Cajamarca (north).

“The sit-in is to show our rejection of the words of the incumbent president, who tried to threaten with our letters,” retired admiral and lawmaker-elect José Cueto said at the rally.

“We come to support members of the armed forces. I am against any intimidation wherever it comes from,” said former defense minister Ántero Flores-Aráoz, who was also number two in Manuel Merino’s short-lived government, which lasted just five days in November 2020.

Protesters, including people outside the military world, they chanted “never again communism”, “down with communism” and other slogans to defend their votes.

Several officers carried their swords or sabers, days after there was criticism from Castillo’s side because some peasants carried their machetes during a rally in Lima.

A woman held up a banner on which was written “Take off your hat and put on the flag”, in allusion to Castillo, who always wears a white hat with a high crown, typical of the peasants of Cajamarca.

While Peru still in suspense while waiting to meet the winner of the elections and markets reflect political uncertainty, the chief of staff, Violeta Bermudez, He reiterated on Tuesday that the elections were clean and that “there is no indication” of fraud.

He stressed that this is what observers from the Organization of American States (OAS) “who supervised the elections and who indicate that they were conducted normally” said.

The poll of 100% of the polling stations ended a week ago and gave 50.12% to Castillo, with 44,000 votes ahead of Fujimori, who obtained 49.87%.

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