Overcoming the fear of colonoscopy | World Day of …


"An early diagnosis can cure 90% of colon cancer," said the Argentinian Surgery Association, which today celebrates the World Day for the fight against colon cancer. At present, this disease causes the death of twenty people a day in Argentina. In men, it is the third cancer in order of frequency, after lung cancer and prostate cancer, and in women, the second most common, after bad cancer.

There are different diseases that affect the large intestine or the colon. The Argentine Association of Surgery recognizes that polyps and cancer are two common pathologies. Colonoscopy is the tool that allows the diagnosis and treatment of colon diseases, as well as cancer of the colon and rectum. It consists of the visualization of the inner wall of the colon. Despite the fears generated by this type of intervention, "video-colonoscopy is generally a well-tolerated procedure with a minimal incidence of complications, less than 0.1% in prevention studies," they explain. Association And they add that "we must keep in mind that the most effective way to prevent the formation of colon cancer is precisely this procedure, which allows the detection and elimination of polyps. does this mean? All colon cancers are caused by a polyp, which is an abnormal growth of the intestinal mucosa.For various factors (food, environment, etc.), the cells suffer from genetic modifications. continue, the first polyps form and turn into cancer if they continue to be genetically modified. "

In dialogue with PáginaI12, Juan Carlos Patrón Uriburu, surgeon member of the Argentine Association of Surgery and Coloproctology Department of the British Hospital of Buenos Aires, explained the characteristics of the disease, its treatment and its possibilities of healing.

-What does colon cancer particularly affect? Is there a difference according to bad?

-Colonic cancer affects the entire population, is the second most common cancer in order of frequency. When divided by bad, it affects men more than women by 30 per 100,000 and 20 per 100,000 respectively. If we divide men from women, it ranks second in women (after bad cancer) and third in men (after lung and prostate).

– Has it increased in recent years? Because?

-The incidence increases and the age of appearance decreases. Every time, younger patients are diagnosed, not only in Argentina but around the world. The most industrialized cities have the highest incidence rate, but they also have most of the tools for prevention and early diagnosis. For this reason, their mortality rate is lower than in rural areas, where prevention is very low. The important thing is to do prevention or early diagnosis. Colon cancer diagnosed at an early stage heals at 80-95%. In patients diagnosed late or due to symptoms, the survival rate decreases considerably. The increase in colon cancer is linked to many factors, such as excessive consumption of red meat, alcohol, fats, food containing preservatives, fast food or scrap metal and cigarettes, among others. Also sedentary lifestyle and obesity.

– Who should be particularly attentive to this disease?

The current recommendation is to perform a colonoscopy from 45 or 50 years in all persons, regardless of bad. It is not necessary that they have symptoms. It is precisely these asymptomatic people who benefit the most because they are part of what we call prevention. The goal is the research and the elimination of polyps. If these polyps are detected, they are eliminated, which prevents them from developing cancer. A polyp is an abnormal growth of the intestinal mucosa, usually occurring between 45 and 50 years of age. If these polyps continue to present alterations, they become cancer. Therefore, the most effective way to avoid cancer is to detect and eliminate polyps because they are your precursors. After normal colonoscopy in patients with no history and no increased risk, the study should be repeated every five years.

-Has this type of cancer heals?

-It heals in increasing proportion. Remember that those who are most likely to be cured are those who are diagnosed early or in patients with no symptoms. These are the so-called early cancers. In advanced tumors, although their cure rate is lower, with advances in surgery and oncology, imaging and pathology allow us to treat and cure patients that we could not do there a few years.


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