Oxford vaccine: What are the symptoms of the deceased woman? | the Chronicle


The death of a 60-year-old Danish woman who received the coronavirus vaccine from the AstraZeneca laboratory, developed by the University of Oxford and a Swedish laboratory, has led at least 12 European countries to suspend the supply of this antiviral. On the other hand, spread the ‘unusual symptoms’ the woman had after the vaccine was injected.

As determined by the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov, inoculation will be suspended “until all doubts are dispelled and until the experts guarantee that it does not pose a risk to people”.

The Danish Directorate General for Health (SST) reported on Sunday that after receiving the vaccine, the woman was showing symptoms. “very unusual”, which can normally occur after the application of the antiviral against Covid-19.

The vaccine developed by AstraZeneca belongs to the family of “viral vector vaccines”, in which human cells are given genetic instructions that push the spike protein out of the surface of the novel coronavirus.

The symptoms suffered by the woman who died after receiving the Oxford vaccine

The Danish Directorate General for Health said in an official statement that the deceased had presented a blood clot after receiving the vaccine developed by the Anglo-Swedish laboratory at the University of Oxford. This complication is called a thromboembolic event or thrombosis, which occurs when the blood clots, preventing normal blood flow.

Doctors say If the clot travels to the lungs, the risk of death is very high. According to specialists, people of Western descent have a higher risk of suffering from blood clots due to the aging of the population and the higher prevalence of pre-existing diseases. There are several medications that are taken daily to reduce the risk of blood clots.

“He had low blood platelets, clots in large and small blood vessels, and bleeding.” “It was an unusual clinical picture around death that made us react. A similar picture was found in a few other cases in the European Side Effects Database. Norway has also described supposedly similar effects.”doctors said of the deceased woman.

Blood clots in Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccinees are “comparatively low”

Penelope Ward, Professor of Pharmaceutical Medicine at King’s College London, who reviewed data collected by the UK Medicines Regulator, said the number of reports of blood clots among Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccinees remained relatively low. & nbsp.

“In the UK, around 165 people could experience one thrombotic episode per day, some of which will be fatal”Ward said.

“Instead, the number of reports from the UK and EU’s current vaccination program, which includes [más de] 20 million people vaccinated to date, or only 37. One would have expected at least 15,000 such events in a population of this size. “he explained.

For its part, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has indicated that there is no indication that “The vaccination will cause these conditions, which are not classified as side effects.”.

AstraZeneca has declared that it is in contact with the EMA and stressed that this body is not responsible for “decide or advise on the use of vaccines, this is what the health authorities are used for”.


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