Pablo Iglesias and Pedro Sánchez open the game | Day…


From Madrid

Although the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, has presented his invitations to the main political leaders of the country as a resumption of the institutional dialogue after one of the most difficult election campaigns of the recent period, the interviews revealed more than policy that the Spanish president had supposed. or he would have liked it, considering that the idea is not to make big moves before Sunday 26th, during the holding of regional elections in Spain and the Parliament of l & # 39; 39, European Union.

On Tuesday afternoon ended with the visit of Secretary General of United Podemos (UP), Pablo Iglesias. The day before yesterday morning he had received Albert Rivera, president of the citizens, and Monday Pablo Casado, the highest authority of the popular party. The meeting that has woken up the most is the one that Sánchez will share with Iglesias, given the speculation of a possible government agreement between the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) and UP, which could come to fruition in the form of a government of coalition or parliamentary collaboration. promote a government program.

The meeting between the two leaders of the Spanish left lasted more than two hours, more than the fifty minutes between Sanchez and Rivera and his hour and a half with Casado. At the end of the meeting, Iglesias gave a press conference in which, despite the brevity, he left clues. "If there is something that we agreed on today, it is that we will work to reach an agreement," he said while repressing a slight smile of satisfaction and before indicating that he was optimistic about the way things were going, but that in the coming days, caution, discretion and tranquility were needed.

Although he practically repeated the same speech on Sunday after the election results, after announcing the results, and in which he wanted to leave behind the arrogance with which he demanded the Vice Presidency of the United States. a possible government with the PSOE after the 2015 elections, Iglesias had arrived at La Moncloa. with the clear goal of reaching a consensus on a coalition executive allowing the members of the UP to occupy the Council of Ministers. A task not at all simple considering the fact that there are sectors of socialism that are not conducive to the entry of UP in the Cabinet and that key personalities of the establishment Spanish, such as the president of Banco Santander, Ana Botín, have already blessed an agreement between the PSOE and Cs, because that would appeal to the economic sectors more than one with the "Populism of United We Can".

Despite these conditions, the first meeting between Sánchez and Iglesias was settled on a principle of terrestrial agreement. According to statements issued by La Moncloa and the Iglesias force, the government and the UP will soon begin to negotiate the table of the Congress, in which they hope to impose the majority of the deputies joining the two formations progressive (165) on those who unite the right-wing forces, Vox, PP and Cs (142).

Although this is a significant step in the face of a negotiation that Iglesias says will be long, the UP leader is under tremendous pressure from the base of his forces. On Monday, the party's Citizens' Council, the country's highest institutional body, said the vast majority of territorial leaders in the force are engaged in a coalition government and, given that goal, they will not let themselves easily deflect by the government. PSOE.

"It is not enough to have external support or positions without real executive capacity.We want to co-govern with the ability to decide and manage the agreed policies.Let the PSOE alone is synonymous with non-compliance", said José G. Molina, Vice-President of the Community Council of Castilla La Mancha, in Página12 the day after the UP Conclave.

Molina's expression is not just an badysis that refers to the generalized reproach that made her force for socialism with the ten months of government in which they collaborated on the legislative side. The secretary general of United We can in Castilla La Mancha (CLM), in his region, is the only coalition government between the PSOE and his party throughout Spain. "We are two different forces capable of agreeing on certain things and giving up on others, but in essence, the coalition has worked and the CLM data on gross domestic product growth," he said. improved employment, recovery of rights and services, guarantee it, "Molina said.

The government of Castilla La Mancha may be one of the examples that Iglesias has set aside in future negotiations against Pedro Sánchez. Another, with a different dynamic but close to the interests of the UP, is the one that exists in the Autonomous Region of Valencia and which is presided over by the socialist Ximo Puig. There, a cabinet was set up in which the portfolios are occupied by the commanders of the two forces that make up the coalition (the PSOE and Compromís, a local alliance formed of left-wing formations). Finally, there are other party streams, such as Adelante Andalucía, that prefer to stay out of the executive and under the influence of the legislature.

In any case, Iglesias has already informed the Citizens Council that the real negotiations would begin the day after 26 May. Until then, we will have to move very slowly, paying attention to movements by other political forces. In this sense, the series of meetings of the Spanish Prime Minister with the leaders of the PP and Cs clearly showed that the right did not plan to pave the way for La Moncloa. While Rivera once again defended the idea of ​​intervening in the autonomy of Catalonia (an idea that rejects socialism), Casado has already warned that he would abstain from not during a vote to invest the socialist leader. The two right-hand positions inevitably lead to an agreement between the PSOE and UP.


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