Pablo Moyano asked Cristina Kirchner to define herself: her silence paralyzes Peronism


In dialogue with Radio 10Moyano also lodged a complaint against the president Mauricio Macri and the governor of the province of Buenos Aires Maria Eugenia Vidal at a time when there is speculation that we can change to appeal to his "Plan V" and that it is Vidal who is finally fighting in October for the presidency. "Vidal is the same as Macri, the teachers had boludeándolos to give them an increase"Killed the union leader and warned:"It is the continuation of this economic model ".

"The government is not reacting, it is only reacting to markets and people are going through a very difficult time."

hurry up to give an electoral definition of Cristina Kirchner: "Your silence paralyzes Peronism"

After his visit to the Vatican, Moyano also said that Pope Francisco "knows everything" about what is happening in Argentina.

"The pope is aware of everything and preoccupied by the increase of poverty, the loss of jobs, for what workers live today", he pointed.

On the side of the PJ detainees facing the elections and the possibility that Peronism would reach a list of unity to contest the presidency in Cambiemos Moyano hoped that (Sergio) "Mbada feel that you must be in Peronism and that you represent Peronism to return to power. "

"Today, there is no candidate for Peronism, the only ones are Felipe Solá o Agustín Rossi. (Roberto) Lavagna It is also a candidate who represents a sector inside and outside Peronism and which, hopefully, participates. He is being installed but I do not know if that will come to him to be president"He continued.

As for the former president Cristina Kirchner He stressed that "he represents an important sector of society, he must be part of Peronism to strengthen this front" and urged him to define what he will do during the presidential elections: "The silence of Cristina paralyzes Peronism. It's time for those who want to be candidates to say it publicly. Let's hope everyone will be in the big step of returning to power of Peronism. "

"The silence of Cristina paralyzes Peronism and it is time for those who want to be candidates to say so publicly."

In this sense, Moyano also stated that even within trade unionism, there is no consensus on who can best "defend the interests of workers".

On the other hand, he warned that "this can not happen from April until there is a powerful measure of force."and he said:" The CGT should propose a plan to fight and go out on the street. "


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