Pablo Moyano gives lectures at the Vatican with a nod from the pope


As you may have known, the trucker leader will send for the first time in its trade union history an international television message aimed at more than 240 million workers worldwide.

He will speak at a forum founded by Pope Cemente VII in 1603, under the orders of scientist Galileo Galilei, who today has among its members the most remarkable 60 Nobel Prize winners of the most varied disciplines.

The scarcity is explained during the visit of the popes of the International Transport Federation (ITF) to dad Francisco. Sponsored by Marcelo Sánchez-Sorondo, the President of the ITF, Australian Paddy Crumlin, his secretary general, Stephen Cotton, the UK director of automotive research at Stanford University , Professor Chris Gerdes, will parade through the streets of the Vatican; eldest son of Hugo Moyano, ITF representative for America and the Caribbean.

The official program reveals that the Federation and the Chancellor of the Academy are organizing this summit of carriers in order to examine and discern the solutions that can be brought by the indispensable universe of transport, which it act of climate change or the human dignity of every man. and woman

Pretentious, from Rome, proposes "to save the planet and to promote the human dignity of every man and woman" with a new ethical imperative emanating either from the mandate of the different religions or from the practical wisdom represented by the leaders of the nations , or by the world's most renowned scientists and scientists.

"The Summit will focus on the specific issues of the transport and industry sector and, through the approach and work of discernment, we believe that it will contribute to raising awareness the world to this serious problem and to implement its solutions to the current challenges, "the organizers said.

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They will sit in Moyano near international celebrities. CEOs of the world's four largest automotive companies will listen carefully. He will say everything he has to say at 5 am in Argentina, streaming, live on the Vatican's official press website. The truck driver will discuss contamination and the impact of new technologies on workers. He will not ask for dismissal or flexibilisation of work. These are signals. Small and giant at a time. Never before have the monsters of world transportation come together under the same sky. He is escorted by Mentor 21F, Gustavo Vera. Sanchez Sorondo invites you. The doors are opened by Pope Francis. The Polish plan remains firm to the letter.

We hope that the Summit of Transport Leaders will connect the culture of dialogue and discernment proposed by Jorge Bergoglio, which is a continuation of other summits organized with social leaders, religious leaders, mayors, judges and doctors from different regions. of the world. They dream that society, from top to bottom and vice versa, moves decisively to meet the challenge of our time and to ring once and for all "the call for a deep ecological conversion" of unity. .


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