Pablo Moyano is anxious to give an electoral definition of Cristina Kirchner: "His silence paralyzes Peronism"


Pablo Moyano lobbied Cristina Kirchner for her to define whether she would be a candidate or not in the presidential election, a key decision that Peronism expects to start ordering internal candidates and plans to l & # 39; event. "Cristina's silence paralyzes Peronism," said the Assistant Secretary for Truckers.

In the face of the government, the son of Hugo Moyano felt that "It's time for those who want to be candidates to say it publicly"Only the former president remains secret and should not be defined until June 22, deadline for the submission of lists.

"Cristina represents an important sector of society and he must be in Peronism to strengthen this front. Let's hope everyone will be in the big step of returning to power of Peronism, "he said. radio 10.

Shortly after the PJ Congress, which invited Sergio Mbada and the governors to seal the unit to deal with Mauricio Macri, the union leader said: "I hope that Mbada will feel that" he must be in Peronism. "

He also spoke of the former Minister of Economy, Roberto Lavagna, who flirts with a possible postulation but who has not yet been defined. "He is also a candidate who represents a sector inside and outside Peronism." I hope he will attend, he settles, but I do not know if he will contact him to become president, "Moyano said.

Moyano strongly criticized Mauricio Macri. Moyano said the government "was not reacting" to the economic crisis. "It only responds to markets and people are going through a very difficult time," he said. He also said that the governor of Buenos Aires, Maria Eugenia Vidal, "is the same as Macri". "The teachers have a year boludeán … to give an increase. It is the continuation of this economic model ", considered.

The trade unionist has just attended a meeting organized by the Vatican, focused on climate change, human trafficking, technology and transport. Pablo Moyano said that Pope Francis "he is aware and concerned about poverty and what workers live today. "

The union leader advocates a measure of force to protest against the government's economic policy and declares that "It can not happen in April that there is a powerful measure of strength." In this sense, he felt that the CGT "should propose a plan to fight and go out on the street".


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