PAHO has warned against the sale of certain vaccines f …


The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has warned against the supply of fake coronavirus vaccines to Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. Doses of trout are offered via social networks at high prices. “It is clearly a problem, not only for the health authorities, but also for the police, to identify this criminal activity,” said PAHO Deputy Director Jarbas Barbosa.

“Yes, we have received information from Mexico, Argentina and Brazil that certain doses have been offered via social networks,” Barbosa confirmed at a press conference. Illegal markets offer possibly counterfeit vaccines, not the real vaccine, or maybe they are stolen from a health facility and no one can guarantee they are stored properly“.

The PAHO official stressed the importance of trust all vaccines administered by the health authorities in each country, because they are the only ones to be guaranteed “safe and effective”. “Therefore, it is very important to refuse to buy any type of vaccine offered through social networks and the Internet,” said Barbosa.

This Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Pfizer has identified the first cases of counterfeit versions of its coronavirus vaccine in Mexico and Poland developed with BioNTech. The news was confirmed by the US pharmaceutical company which reported that the fake doses were sold for a thousand dollars each.

“Pfizer has identified fake versions of its covid-19 vaccine in Mexico and Poland,” the company said in a statement, and said it was working with governments, suppliers and healthcare workers “to fight against this illegal trade “generated by the lack of face to a demand which does not cease growing in the world.

“We are aware that in today’s environment – driven by the ease and convenience of electronic commerce, as well as the anonymity offered by the Internet – there will be an increase in the number of frauds, counterfeits and other illicit activities.” related to vaccines and drugs. . COVID-19 treatments, ”Pfizer warned in the statement.

A source from the Ministry of Health of the Mexican state of Nuevo León (north) assured AFP that 80 people were inoculated with this substance, but did not provide further details.

For his part, Hugo López-Gatell, Mexico’s Under Secretary of Health and government spokesperson for the coronavirus strategy, said that “No product that could affect” the health of the scam artist was found.

López-Gatell recalled that on February 17, the Mexican government and the authorities of Nuevo León announced the seizure of fake vaccines at an illegal clinic, where several people were being held. The case is under investigation by the prosecution.

The substance was found in beer coolers and had false lot numbers and expiration dates., said the Mexican authorities quoted by The Wall Street Journal.

Pfizer, for its part, detailed that the liquid offered as a vaccine in Poland turned out to be a cosmetic substance, possibly an anti-wrinkle cream.


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