Pain in Brazil: 21-year-old beauty queen died during surgery


Vanessa Lays Soares Aguiar was 21 and had a bright future ahead of her in the pageant world after being crowned Miss Roraima Ado, in 2018, and twice Miss Rorainópolis (2020 and 2016). According to the local press, the young woman died last Wednesday during a emergency surgery he had to undergo to have a tumor removed from his abdomen.

As indicated by the site G1, on Tuesday evening August 3, Soares Aguiar, who was also nursing student, felt a severe pain in the abdomenTherefore, she decided to go to the emergency room of Cosme e Silva, from where she was referred to Roraima General Hospital (HGR).

Vanessa Lays Soares Aguiar was crowned Miss Teen Roraima in 2018 and twice Miss Rorainópolis (Photo: Instagram / vanessalayss).

In this establishment, after several tests, the doctors detected that the young woman had a tumor in the abdomen, very close to the liver.

The doctors decided to have emergency surgery to remove the tumor immediately. It was during this operation that Vanessa suffered a hemorrhage and died.

In a statement, the Ministry of Health, responsible for Roraima General Hospital, said Soares had a “hypotension and very severe bleeding caused by abdominal tumors ”. “Despite all the efforts of the medical team, the young woman did not resist and died at dawn on Wednesday,” they added in the document.

Vanessa Lays Soares Aguiar was crowned Miss Teen Roraima in 2018 and twice Miss Rorainópolis (Photo: Instagram / vanessalayss).

The young woman’s body was veiled that same Wednesday, August 4, and she received her last farewells a day later. “She has always been an admirable, loving, captivating and sympathetic girl. Beautiful inside and out. It’s gone, but it’s kept in my heart, “he told the network. World Matheus Soares, the girl’s brother.

“I love you a billion! »A line from the last movie I saw with her, the day before everything. Now that makes a lot more sense to me! », Added his brother.

Vanessa Lays Soares with her brother. (Photo: Instagram / Vanessalays).

Her friend, musician Gustavo Kinsey, said Vanessa was “a light that brought joy and showed that you should always smile and love, because you never know when is the last hug and the last message. She was amazing. “

The mayor of Rorainópolis, Leandro Pereira also lamented the death of the young beauty queen, whose parents are municipal employees. “At this time of pain, I sympathize with his family, I express my deepest condolences for the tragic and untimely loss,” he said.

Vanessa Lays Soares Aguiar died shortly after the discovery of a tumor in her abdomen. (Photo: Instagram / vanessalays).

Vanessa Lays was studying nursing at Estácio Private University in Boa Vista. The institution also sent its condolences. “May God comfort you all in this time of pain and dismay. In this difficult time, receive a hug of affection and solidarity, ”he told the student’s relatives.


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