Pakistan: gunmen attack luxury hotel


Several gunmen today attacked a luxury hotel in Pakistan's troubled southwestern Balochistan province. They encountered a police custody with which they began a shootout whose consequences have not yet been determined.

The attack was perpetrated by "two to three terrorists" at the Pearl Continental luxury hotel, which hosts tourists from around the world, located in the coastal town of Gwadar, at 4:45 am local time (8:45 am in Argentina). , a district police chief, Nasir Ali, told the EFE news agency.

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"The terrorists began with a shootout against the Pearl Continental, then they entered the hotel, the security forces arrived on the spot and the fighting continues," explained the security officer.

Ali said that they had not received any information in principle that there would be civilian casualties or security forces.

"For now, they have not removed a corpse or injured the hotel," concluded the official.

Balochistan, the largest and least populated region of the Asian country, is the scene of regular attacks by secessionist, Islamist or mafia-based groups operating throughout the country, making it the largest and most populous country in the world. one of the most unstable and unsafe in Pakistan.

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Last month, also in Balochistan, a group of armed men shot dead 14 people after stopping the buses they were traveling on and examined their identity cards.

Among the dead, mainly civilians, there was a Pakistani naval officer and a coast guard.

The Ansa agency pointed out that among the guests of the Pear Continental, there was a majority of Chinese citizens.



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