Palazzo vs Mercado Libre. It seems designed for the campaign


"Our Voice," the huge group of WhatsApp leaders called to complain about what they see as union hostilities, actually appeared with several years of delay. The spirit of these complaints is not new except for the time and context in which they were expressed.

The chronicle should situate the genesis of the discussion in early April, still in full currency turbulence, when Marcos Peña reconsidered a principle previously installed in the Casa Rosada, according to which the government even aesthetically rejects the company agreements, and begins to Quote your office to the businessmen.

These first meetings were tense, with reproaches that obviously accumulated. "We are questioning union extortion, but reinforcements have never come," said the chief of staff in one of them. There were not many guests. He was heard by real estate developer Eduardo Costantini and Néstor Nocetti, founding partner of Globant. It was really a criticism that shared all the macrismo. Francisco Cabrera, former Minister of Production, had the habit of pointing out that the causes of the investigation on Hugo Moyano did not include a single commercial complaint.

But the dialogue began to become more fluid and meetings more frequent. In the midst of the recession and Macri's intention to vote for the ballot, a basic coincidence emerged: both parties, the government and businessmen, feared for the return to power of Cristina Kirchner . "What can we do to help," Guibert Englebienne, also a founder of Globant, once asked, and Peña urged to make public the defense of values ​​such as private property or freedom. "They are also ours," he said. The rest of the story is known: Englebienne and his partner, Martin Migoya, have created the WhatsApp group "Our Voice", very well received by their peers.

The incorporation of Pichetto in the presidential formula gave a critical mbad to this air. The senator tends to have less discursive reservations than macristas: he can solve scattered problems that horrify a country where law or capitalism are pejorative names. In this logic, we must interpret the warning that he addressed to the Peronists of the province of Buenos Aires about Axel Kicillof: "They take a PC man".

Pichetto ended up being an ally against these taboos. Not so much by ideology as by operational problems: five years ago, the president of an electricity distributor admitted to this newspaper that the only reason he had not started offering rebates to customers who agreed to receive electronic invoices was Luz's discomfort. and strength in front of jobs that would eventually be lost among those who distribute them in homes. This concession, which he made friendly because he had good relations with Oscar Lescano, then leader of the union, he then costed 12 million pesos per year. Something similar happened in 2016 to Federico Sturzenegger, still president of the Central Bank, with Hugo Moyano for digital summaries.

Technology opens avenues generally inaccessible for labor reform. Even trying to get some companies to take over manufacturing in the United States, Donald Trump could not recreate this scenario of conventional jobs in the manufacturing sector in Detroit or Pittsburgh, just because the way of producing has changed: these same factories would require another type of work; They are highly technical.

The debate between Sergio Palazzo, leader of La Bancaria, and Mercado Libre defies the old order. How much would it take for the company to hire, for example, workers in Colombia if it does not find a solution here? Are questions that the cat "Our voice" is raised almost daily. As in any group, there are fewer conciliatory voices than others.

The novelty is that this conflict has pushed the coincidences into a
establishment it inaugurated internal dissent, and even with the government, by the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur. Unwittingly, the appearance of Palazzo had the electoral meaning desired by the chief of staff: the enemies are extortion and the past. Part of Argentina's delay is due to the fact that it does not agree on the elementary.



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