Palestinian marches will intensify against the occupation of Israel | news


The leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement Palestine ( Hamas ), Ismail Haniya promised Sunday that the marches against the Israeli occupation would be " stronger "If the violence against your people ceases"

"Either the siege is lifted or you will all face more intense, bigger and stronger marches," said the words at the funeral of the two teenagers Palestinians, Louay Kahil (16) and Amir Al-Nimra, (15) killed Saturday by the bombing of Israel in the city of Gaza .

Haniya stated that ] Israel faces an ambush of the Resistance and that Gaza is "a fortress that will never fall". He added that protests will continue until Palestinian refugees are allowed to return home.

>> Two dead after bombarding Israel in the Gaza Strip

"The weekly marches will continue until we have achieved all our goals, first of all: lift the siege of Gaza We will continue to walk until the right of return is realized, we will not abandon until we return to all places of Palestine " said the leader.

GAZA: Israel has perpetrated the biggest attack on Gaza since 2014. It has bombed a civilian building, a mosque, the university and the Ministry of Health. 2 children killed and about 20 wounded.

– Raquel Martí (@Raquel_Marti_) July 15, 2018

"We are on the road to victory, the subject of Palestine Jerusalem and Gaza remains a priority of our agenda The solution to the situation of Gaza is to lift the blockade The Palestinian people do not believe in the promises of projects, they want to see real results that end this siege. "

On Saturday, Israel led the largest attack against Hamas since 2014, with three rounds on more than 40 targets in Gaza and facilities military, a civilian building, a mosque, the university and the Ministry of Health.

>> Hamas and Israel arrive at the truce in the Gaza Strip

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