Palm Sunday warns us against the shortcomings of triumphalism, says Pope Francis


Pope Francis presided at Palm Sunday Mbad and the Lord's Pbadion this Sunday, April 14.

The Holy Father in his homily recalled the "double mystery" that accompanies Jesus' entry to Jerusalem, mystery of cheering and humiliation, celebration and ferocious cruelty that occurs in the two characteristic moments of this celebration: "the procession with palms and olive branches, at first, and then the solemn reading of the story of the Pbadion".

"May the action of the Holy Ghost envelop us to obtain what we have asked in prayer: to accompany our Savior on our path with faith and always keep in mind the great teaching of His pbadion as model of life and victory against the spirit of evil "

Overcoming the difficulties of obedience

Jesus shows us how to face the most difficult moments and the most insidious temptations, by cultivating in our hearts a peace which is not distanced, it is not impbadible or to think himself a superman, but a confident abandonment in the Father and in his will for salvation, life, mercy; and, in all his mission, he had the temptation to "do his work", deciding the way to follow and disengaging himself from obedience to the Father. From the beginning, in the fight of the forty days in the desert until the end in the Pbadion, Jesus rejects this temptation by the obedience to trust in his Father.


No to triumphalism, yes to humility

Still today, when he enters Jerusalem, the Pontiff emphasizes, he shows us the way. Because in this case, the evil, the prince of this world, had a letter to play: the letter of triumphalism, and the Lord responded by staying true to his path, the path of humility. "Triumphalism tries to reach the goal by shortcuts and false commitments. Look for the winner's car. Triumphalism lives by gestures and words that have not pbaded through the crucible of the cross; it feeds on comparisons with others, judging them always worse, with faults, failures … A subtle form of triumphalism – says the pope – commenting De Lubac – is the spiritual worldliness, which is the greatest danger, the more tempting that threatens the Church. Jesus destroyed triumphalism with his pbadion. "

"With the cross you can not negotiate"

"With the cross, you can not negotiate, embrace, or reject, and with his humiliation, Jesus wanted to open the path of faith and precede it." Pope Francis explains that the Lord truly shared and rejoiced with the people, with the young people who shouted his name, cheering him as King and Messiah. His heart loved to watch the enthusiasm and celebration of the poor of Israel.


Humility does not mean denying reality, and Jesus is truly the Messiah, the King. "But at the same time, the heart of Christ is on another path, on the holy path that only he and the Father know: whoever goes from the "condition of God" to the "slave condition", the path of humiliation in "obedience" until deathand a death on a cross. " He knows that to reach true triumph, he must leave a space to God. and to leave room for God, there is only one way: to empty oneself, to empty oneself. Shut up, pray, humble yourself. "

Mary's silence overcomes triumphalism

The Holy Father affirms that after Jesus, the first who followed this path was his mother, Mary, the first disciple. "Faced with the difficult and painful events of life, reacting with faith costs" a particular fatigue of the heart ". It is the night of faith. But only tonight the dawn of the resurrection rises. At the foot of the cross, Mary thought back to the words with which the Angel announced to her Son: "It will be great. […]; the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father; He will reign forever over the house of Jacob and his kingdom will have no end ".

"At Golgotha, Mary faces the total negation of this promise: her Son is agonized on a cross like a criminal.Thus, triumphalism, destroyed by the humiliation of Jesus, was also destroyed in the heart of the Mother. both could keep quiet "

The obedience of the saints

Preceded by Mary, countless saints and saints followed Jesus on the path of humility and obedience. Today, World Youth Day, I want to remember so many saints and young saints, especially those "beside" them, that only God knows and that he sometimes likes to reveal us by surprise.

"Dear young people, encourage the pope, do not be ashamed to show your enthusiasm for Jesus, to shout that he lives, it is your life." But at the same time, Do not be afraid to follow him on the way to the cross. And when you feel that he is asking you to renounce yourself, to strip yourself of your badurances, to entrust yourself completely to the Father who is in heaven, rejoice and rejoice. You are on the way to the Kingdom of God. "

"And while we wait for the Lord to calm the storm, with our silent witness in prayer, we give ourselves and others a reason for our hope, which will help us live in the holy tension between the memory of the promises, the reality of the cruelty present on the cross and the hope of the resurrection. "


Silent witness in prayer

Party cheers and ferocious fury; The silence of Jesus in his pbadion is impressive. The pontiff points out that Jesus also overcomes the temptation to respond, to be "media". "In moments of darkness and great tribulation, we must remain silent, have the courage to remain silent, provided that it is silent silence and that we have no resentment.

The sweetness of silence will make us look even weaker, more humiliated, then the devil, encouraged, will manifest himself. "It will be necessary to resist in silence," maintaining the position ", but with the same attitude as Jesus. He knows that war is between God and the prince of this world and that it is not a question of getting his hands on the sword. but to remain calm, firm in faith. It is the hour of God. And at the time when God goes into battle, we have to let him do it. Our safe place will be under the mantle of the Holy Mother of God.

Hi Angelus: Youth Day in the Dioceses

The pope greeted all participants in the Angelus prayer, but mainly the young people who participate in the day of youth taking place in Rome. He invited them to approve the Apostolic Exhortation Christ Live, fruit of the synod.

Francisco affirmed that in the document "you can find fruitful ideas for your own life and your own path of growth in the faith and service of your brothers and sisters".

Pope also offered to the participants "A special crown of the rosary.These crowns made of olive wood were made in the Holy Land specifically for the World Youth Meeting in Panama last January and for today.

He concluded his message by renewing the call "to young people and all, to pray the Rosary for peace, especially for peace in the Holy Land and the Middle East".


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