Pamela David handed the points to Javier Milei and left him speechless – 07/08/2018


Javier Milei (47) is one of the media characters of the moment. Because beyond what the productions of televised programs called to speak of economy, these last weeks were marked by other subjects

. Although he began his television career with the premise of not talking about his private life, everything changed during a visit to PH: We Can Talk (Saturday, at 22 years, by Telefe). There, interviewed by Andy Kusnetzoff revealed that he participated in badual trios: "Yes, what is the problem?" he asked the other guests, before the generalized laughter. 19659007] "I would say that in 90% of the cases it was two women with me," he explained, to the surprise of all. And he added: "Do you want me to tell you that I am also a teacher of Tantra?"

Just a week after these statements, Milei had a cross with a reporter a lecture that he gave in Salta. With cries, he abused and labeled as a "donkey" for not having unveiled certain economic concepts.

The repercussion of these episodes gave him more popularity and space in the Milei television programs flirted this year with the Dance, but did not make it. finally found no agreement "observe =" "data-observer-function =" loadLazyImg "/>

Milei flirted this year with Dance, but did not arrive. to an agreement

But last week, Milei messed up. Invited to Pamela in the afternoon (America, at 3:30 pm) did not even stop talking and expressing herself Pamela David [19659005] (39), the host of the cycle.

so she was angry. "Let me finish speaking" he said, with a strong and concise tone that left him speechless. "Ah, well," he only managed to say and put his hand in his mouth, as he covered her.

Minutes earlier, Pamela asked him: "Do you know that you are aggressive, do not you?" . And he, far from taking care of what the driver was saying, answered: "But how many times have you interrupted me already?"

David's closure, then, was direct: "Do you know what that is happening? talk about more important things. "

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