Pampita Ardohain became furious with Rodrigo Lussich when he unveiled his new novel – 11/29/2018


You could say that Carolina Pampita Ardohain (40) is currently the most coveted single of the local broadcast and, of course, the candidates are not lacking.

However, a rumor about his love life that circulated in recent days irritated the model, who was quick to turn to social media to deny case in question and clarify things.

It all started with a "bomb" of Rodrigo Lussich (45) "Pampita and a night of love that will admit or not because it's hiding and they're young girls … This has to do with a badual encounter … I do not know if they were in something, they repeated, or if it can become something else, "said the reporter and his driver. Confronted with (The Nine, at 15 years old).

And finally he revealed: "Intimate encounter after (Juan) Peak Monaco, boyfriend; after (Pablo) Polito Pieres, from amigovio, night of pbadion between Pampita and the actor in the making, gallant, next protagonist of Sugar instead of (Nicolás) Cabré, Vico D'Alessandro"

Victorio D'Alessandro. (Movilpress)

Victorio D'Alessandro. (Movilpress)

In addition to publicizing the rumors about it, Lussich recalled a fact somewhat forgotten by the actor and threw a stick to the character also of Net TV. "He is the ex of Sol Perez… informal meeting touch and go we have already said that Pampita is a veteran, 40 years old and he 34 … ", he added.

And closed: "His friends they say that he arrived at the bed of the most desired woman in Argentina, it is now single ".

That said, the driver of Intimate pampita (Net TV) took a tweet from Lussich talking about the rumor to clarify the many. "Total lie! Leave those of & # 39; Sugar & # 39; support with something else and do not hang on to me! Shameful journalists say that they put up with anything without checking. I do not know him!", badured the model.

Pampita's tweet denying the affair with D & # 39; Alessandro.

Pampita's tweet denying the affair with D & # 39; Alessandro.

But the journalist arrived at a crossroads: "Your denials scare me … You continued to minimize your crises with (Benjamín) Vicuña, you celebrated 10 years of love affairs for magazine covers and, a month later, you screamed in a motorhome … and you parted! Shame, it's also lying! Kisseshe charged.

And he closed: "In addition to putting the Sugar in this Mmmmm … Why this conclusion? Mmmm … and also, Your ex Pico is not a friend of Vico? You have not already met? Finally. All weird. "

Here are the answers to all denials and indignities! Calm the boys, everything has its explanations. And do not put sugar in this, which is good people. Salutations to all!

– Rodrigo Lussich (@rodrigolussich) November 28, 2018

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