Panama Papers: Argentina has recovered $ 104 million after the revelations


Daniel Muñoz's money was discovered thanks to the Panama paper investigation Source: archive

Three years after its release,

Panama Papers

they have helped Argentina to recover 104 million US dollars that have not been declared, and which are encapsulated in offshore companies located in different tax havens. The figure increases even if you add an additional $ 70 million in the name of

Daniel Muñoz

, deputy secretary of Kirchner, accused of being his frontman. The investigation also detected tens of millions of Argentinian dollars still under judicial investigation.

According to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, the Panama Papers have recovered about US $ 1,200 million in the United Kingdom, France and Australia. The promoters of the project, which, three years after its first publication, continues to generate explosions around the world.

THE NATION, who headed the Argentine chapter, has published more than 30 articles on different characters in the political and economic world. He detected that the president

Mauricio Macri

He was director of an offshore company and the alleged leader of the Kirchner family has hidden his fortune in an opaque enterprise, among other suspicious operations suspects on which the Justice Department is still investigating.

The Panama Papers have found their relevance in recent weeks, when different characters from Muñoz's environment have confessed that the journalistic revelation had motivated the change of fate of their offshore funds and that even

Cristina Kirchner

he was worried about the news as soon as it was published by
THE NATION. Argentina's IJI team revealed for the first time three years ago that the former presidential secretary of Kirchner had an offshore activity.

Mossack Fonseca's documents show that the former public servant and his wife, Carolina Pochetti, were among the shareholders of Black Gold Limited in the British Virgin Islands. This revelation was the tip of the ball that brought to light a huge offshore money laundering structure organized by Muñoz.

Muñoz and his wife came to acquire, through representatives, 16 properties in Miami and New York. But after the Panama Papers, they got rid of these goods and sold them for 73 million dollars. Argentine researchers, with the collaboration of the United States, have been able in recent months to reconstruct in detail many of the financial maneuvers before and after the acquisition of badets, involving several wineries, several offshore companies and dozens of accounts in Switzerland . , Luxembourg, Panama, Uruguay, Andorra and the United Arab Emirates, among others.

The money recovered by the Argentine authorities for the Panama Papers comes, in its majority, from about 125 Argentinian unknown to the public.

Gianfranco Macri also decided to register funds in fiscal sincerity, also after mega-global leaks. Justice investigates whether the president's brother has committed a crime.

THE NATION announced on April 3, 2016 that Mauricio Macri had been appointed director of Fleg Trading registered in the Bahamas. The president has been appointed since 1998 and has been appointed director and vice-president, according to internal documents of Mossack Fonseca. The firm remained active until the end of 2008. The court file that investigated the money laundering offense committed by Macri was closed in 2017. The case was referred to the Economic Criminal Court and is always active.

Néstor Grindetti

, mayor of Lanús, appeared in Panama Papers as a representative of the offshore offshore Mercier International. Justice is trying to determine who is the owner of this company with an account in Switzerland. Panamanian justice said the Mercier Foundation was responsible for the company after the change in legislation in that country. The case is in the hands of Judge Diego Slupski, who is waiting for the response of a Uruguayan exhortant to the creation of the company he has already repeated four times, judicial sources said. With this information, the judge must decide whether to summon Grindetti during his interrogation.

The businessman of the game, Federico de Achával, was another target of the revelations. Mossack Fonseca's documents baderted that Val de Loire, the enigmatic offshore company that controlled for years a slice of Palermo's racetrack (Hapsa) without knowing who its true owner was, had Achával as its final beneficiary.

The majority partner of Hapsa, Federico de Achával, denies being the controller in the shadow of the Loire Valley. Justice still investigates the businessman because Uruguayan intermediaries, the Damiani studio, have identified him as the true owner of the company in a document they handed over to Panama in August 2014.

The judge

Sebastian Casanello

He ordered a new statement in the case. The magistrate seeks to interrogate by videoconference the director of the Damiani studio, Sandra Morales. The executive is the one who signed the document in which the Argentine businessman is designated as the final beneficiary of the Loire Valley. The Uruguayan authorities have not yet authorized the measure, judicial sources said.


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