Paraguay attack: three soldiers died in a bomb attack


FILE PHOTO: Paraguayan soldiers stop and search vehicles in operations against the Paraguayan People's Army (EPP), in Concepción (Photo: REUTERS)
FILE PHOTO: Paraguayan soldiers stop and search vehicles in operations against the Paraguayan People’s Army (EPP), in Concepción (Photo: REUTERS)

Paraguayan Attorney General Sandra Quiñónez said three soldiers died on Thursday in an attack on members of the Joint Task Force (JTF) in the north of the country, where the guerrillas of the Paraguayan People’s Army (PPE) are active.

Quiñónez’s statements to the channel Single channel were supported in other media by FTC spokesman Lt. Col. Luis Apesteguia, who said that the victims were killed when an artifact exploded in the path of the vehicle in which they were patrolling.

Apesteguia told Radio Cardinal What The truck, with only three crew members, was accompanied by another with six soldiers, who repelled further fire from attackers stationed in the area.

The spokesperson added that security forces scour the area in search of the perpetrators of the attack, on a road in the north of the department of San Pedro.

“We suffered an explosive attack. Unfortunately, three soldiers died and there are neither injured nor missing “, Apesteguía also said on the radio Monumental 1080, as collected by the medium Last hour.

Before confirming the existence of the victims, the prosecution announced a “Attack on the FTC”, without further details, as well as the formation of a tax team for on-site tasks.

It is one of the departments in which the PPE operates, which last September kidnapped former vice-president Óscar Denis, 75 years old, whose fate is still unknown.

The security forces then encrypted the active components of the PPE, founded in 2008 and with the defense of the poor peasantry as a political banner.

The guerrillas, which are financed by kidnappings and the collection of the “revolutionary tax” from agricultural and livestock traders in the north, killed eight soldiers in 2016 in an attack reminiscent of that of this Thursday. It was when a bomb placed in one location exploded that a truck with FTC troops drove past, performing check-up tasks on a local road in the department of Concepción.

(With information from EFE)

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