Paraguay: they propose to transfer patients with coronavirus …


In the midst of a critical epidemiological landscape, The Congress of Paraguay will discuss a project that proposes the transfer to neighboring countries of those infected with the coronavirus that do not take place in the local public system.

Ruling party bloc leader Basilio Núñez has announced that he will propose that patients who need intensive therapy due to Covid-19 be transferred “to countries in the region”, in the form of “counter the collapse of the health system“.

The intensive care bed occupancy statistic is 100%, both in the public and private sectors. If there is a free bed there, it is probably already being occupied by a patient from the center himself, ”he told the newspaper. ABC Ángel Núñez, Director of Health Therapies,

In this sense, the legislator explained that he will make this “urgent” proposal through the Chamber of Deputies through a draft declaration and that he hopes that it “will have an echo” within the executive power. .

Through his Twitter account, the legislator who responds to former president Horacio Cartés gave as an example cases from the Netherlands and France who transferred emergency patients to GermanyTherefore, he believes that this mechanism can also occur in the region.

Paraguay has recorded 252,443 positives since the start of the pandemic, of which 207,803 have recovered, but recent weeks show a sharp increase in cases. The deceased have already reached 5,384.

Inheritance costs

Another curious initiative Núñez and his peers, Raúl Latorre and Enrique Mineur, propose that relatives of doctors and nurses who have died from the coronavirus inherit the same post.

We will introduce a bill that allows, for example, a direct family member, child or partner of frontline healthcare workers who dies of Covid to fill the vacant category“Said Núñez.

The project aims to establish that a parent with a greater degree of proximity or kinship (children and spouse) with the deceased medical staff member “can access the civil service with the same or similar salary allowance”.

The text encourages this replacement mechanism to be extended “for the duration of the state of emergency in the country”.


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