Paraguayan governor’s daughter murdered in hitman attack that kills four


Four people have died today, including the daughter of the governor of Amambay, in a crisis of hitmans occurred in the town of Pedro Juan Caballero, capital of this department of Paraguay and on the border with Brazil.

The group, A man and three women were about to board a van after leaving an event when another vehicle approached from where they fired pistols and rifles., according to the first information available to the newspaper ABC.

Local media reported that one of the victims is Haylee Carolina Acevedo, 21, and daughter of Ronald Acevedo of the Liberal Party, the biggest opposition party in Paraguay.

A brother of the governor, José Carlos Acevedo, is running for re-election for mayor of Pedro Juan Caballero in the municipal elections tomorrow.

Commissioner Jorge Vidallet, Amambay’s head of investigations, indicated that Another of the victims, identified as Osmar Vicente Álvarez Grance, is believed to be linked to drug trafficking and they are investigating whether the attack was directed against him.

The agent assured that no witnesses but they will check security cameras from the area to try to identify the perpetrators, who fled the scene after the attack.

“We have no information on how the incident happened, gunshots were heard and when we arrived we only found the vehicle and the people,” Vidallet said, quoted by the Ultima Hora newspaper.

The Paraguayan public prosecutor appointed prosecutor Sandra Díaz to investigate the crime.

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