Parents of a 4-year-old boy who died muffled are arrested


A four-year-old boy died of suffocation in the city of Quilmes, Buenos Aires. His parents were arrested, accused of the crime of abandoning a person, followed by death, reported today police and investigative sources.

The sources added that the deceased's parents were accused of abandoning the person for leaving him while he was suffering from bronchospasm with his paternal grandmother. The parent then threatened not to take her to the hospital and prevent him from injuring himself. previous by shots.

The incident began yesterday afternoon when defendants Lucas Omar Bardelli Casanova (26) and Eliana Alfonso took their son Ian Kevin Alfonso to the house of the paternal grandmother, located on Malvinas Street, at 400. from the southern city. of the conurbano, so that he takes care of him during a crisis of spasms.

The grandmother, noting the poor health conditions of her grandson, decided to transfer him to a nearby clinic, but his son threatened to set the house on fire and kill her in case she took her home. to a doctor, presumably to prevent previous injuries had been revealed to the child, said investigative spokesmen to Telam.

After that, the couple, who was with their other two children, a 7-year-old girl and an 8-month-old baby, left home, but the grandmother, when the state of her grandson s & ## 39, is deteriorated, took him to the general clinic. Belgrano de Quilmes at 9:30 pm, where he joins the deceased.

According to police and investigators, the doctors at the health center discovered that the child had long been suffering from external lesions to the mouth and head, as well as scars to the torso, but that they were n & # 39; Were not the cause of his injuries. the death

The autopsy showed that little Kevin had a traumatic death caused by a broncoaspiración by the entry of food debris into the lungs, the spokespersons added.

In the case, the prosecutor Ariel Rivas, responsible for the functional functional unit (UFI) 1 of the judicial department of Quilmes, intervened and ordered a series of measures to find the parents of the deceased child.

It was thus that around 3 am, police stopped the couple on public roads while they were apparently trying to escape.

Prosecutor Rivas will investigate the couple tomorrow, who blames the crime of "abandoning the person followed by death aggravated by the link," sources said.


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