Parliament rejected Brexit, once again … | Chronic


The British Parliament again opposed the Brexit agreement by rejecting Wednesday the departure of the European Union without agreement on the 29th of this month. With 321 votes in favor and 278 against, the legislators supported a non-binding amendment excluding the possibility of leaving the bloc of the European Union without agreement, not only at the agreed date, but at any time.

Once rejected the option of a Brexit without agreement, MEPs will vote today the proposal of the British government to request an extension until June 30, date of departure. After hearing the result of the vote, the Prime Minister Theresa May he argued that "The best way (leave the EU) is to do it in an orderly manner"Warning of "Potential harm"That would mean the opposite.

In view of the constant parliamentary overthrow that the May government has received, the new proposal that will be badyzed this Thursday is to extend the split of the bloc until June 30.


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