"Patricia Bullrich believes Bolsonaro," said Carrio, and the minister responded


The Minister of Security,

Patricia Bullrich

, was in the program

New therapies

, which is transmitted by

LN +

and he responded to the deputy minister
Elisa Carrió who, in a previous program, had indicated that she believed

Jair Bolsonaro

, in reference to the President of Brazil and his severe security policies. "Patricia's problem is that she can not stop, she thinks, and we will not be Bolsonaro, the Prussian general will not be," Carrió said.

The minister replied: "I am Prussian, you have to see the degree, Bullrich is a Prussian family name.The truth is that I think that the countries that suffer from a security model where all the values ​​of a society of order have been reversed, with respect for the law, it must go to a different model, I believe we change the culture, the paradigm, and obviously
the law that Moro presented is a very reasonable law and we had already thought about all these issues before straightening an inverted model of the world. He added: "In Argentina, we are doing something totally logical and reasonable. "

He even went so far as to say, "We are the masters of what you do [el ministro de Justicia y Seguridad Pública del Brasil, Sergio] Moro in Brazil, what Bolsonaro does. "He mentioned
the anti-crime law that Brazil has promoted and then compared to several projects common to both countries. "Brazil does it because it fits into a political model similar to the one we came from."

Bullrich commented that the policy of security and drug trafficking is "well regarded by society" despite differences of opinion that may have Carrió. "No one appreciates that a leader like Carrio says what he says, but I do not think what she says is what happens." And he added that he did not currently have a fluid dialogue with the deputy minister: "I do not speak because if she wanted to make her comments, she can call me, come to the ministry, I can go to her house. .. Now, find out what she thinks the TV does not seem to me.

As for the possibility of being a candidate for the vice-presidency, explained that this was a simple rumor that had not been said within the government. But he remarked, "What I believe is that no one in change today can deny what the general pattern of change needs." And he added, "As my grandchildren would say, it's because luck is crazy."

He then referred to the decree that, in
The province of Chubut wants to prohibit the entry of foreigners with a criminal record or to expel them from that territory. Although he said he had not read the DNU of the governor of that southern province and was not going to comment on it precisely, he said, "I think it's a philosophy that says that those who do well have their place and that he flies or that he comes to Argentina to commit a crime does not take place, and it is as if it is claimed that whoever comes to Chubut does not "No place."

In this sense, he stressed that President Macri had marked a line and a "very strong" change in security to give room to the victim, who lived under the law and took care of the security forces . "By not reversing the reality of a country where a victim previously had more rights than a victim and all these changes made it clear what behaviors are accepted and those who are not in the country, our logic is, in fact, not to want foreigners and Argentineans to be unpunished in the face of the crime they have committed, "he said.

He also stated that the amendments to the Migration Decree at the national level were "absolutely" valid. "The government at that time carried out a large number of expulsions of people who committed crimes in Argentina," he said.

Then he mentioned motorcycles, about
The controversy took place last week when Macri complained about the resolution of a judge who released a motorcycle with a story. "There is a tool that the parliament has voted and that is flagrant: if it catches a motorcycle in the act, it does not have to be sentenced, it can be sentenced in five hours, there is "It's obvious, I see, what else do you need, judge?" he said. "This judge should have applied a law in force," he added.

He also referred to the new
Federal Police Firearms Protocol, which allows, among other things, the Federal Police to fire without making any noise. "The decisions of the Cbadation Chamber overturn the barbarities they committed with many police officers who ruined the race for doing what they had to do," he said. However, he said that if a police officer was not ready to carry a gun, he should not give it because "it is a danger".

Finally, he advised to let people take care of the security forces and not to have weapons at home. "Our recommendation is that people do not arm themselves to defend themselves."


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