Patricia Bullrich: "Like the scorpion that can not against its nature, Cristina came back to insult the president"


The security minister was in Mesa Chica Source: LA NACION – Credit: Screen Capture

The Minister of Security,

Patricia Bullrich

he was in

Mesa Chica

and, in a face to face with José Del Rio, he gave his perspective on

election year

before the question of whether she will run for vice president. In addition, he talked about the book of

Cristina Kirchner

Sincerely, and launched: "Like the scorpion's fable that can not against its nature,
Cristina came back insulting the president. A book should not be silent. "

He said he was surprised "that in a world of communication where everything is known,
a group with so much secrecy able to keep a secret for so long. "For the official, this reflects the" vertical, closed and hermetic structure "of Kirchnerism.

Later, the driver asked him if he would like to be
Candidate for the vice-presidency, she replied: "I think that the president has made an intimate decision that depends on how he envisions the next term." I was elected Minister of Security and I see myself at the place where I am. "

In addition, she confessed that she "laughs" to be compared to the President of Brazil,

Jair Bolsonaro

because he considers it "very posterior" to its management. He explained: "We decided to change the strategy of the penal policy in Argentina, to leave Zaffaroni and to leave the idea that the criminal was at the center of the concerns of the Argentines and not of the victims and the society much earlier Even that is quite expensive for Bolsonaro and his minister to make the legal changes we have already made in Argentina. "In the same vein, he stressed that the company" is asking for a firm hand with the criminals " is congratulated that they are on this path.

This referent of Cambiemos explained that he feels "a huge responsibility to achieve this change and turn a history into failures in Argentina and an Argentina dominated by selected groups, mafia and corruption". He added: "The decision to change in Argentina is the decision to deal with ungovernability, when you decide to change, you find permanent walls trying to show you that the road is closing and you do not can not. "

As emphasized in the program of

LN +

During the elections, two ideas are debated: one is what Cambiemos represents, it is a much more transparent Argentina, freedoms, initiative and progress, and a populist Argentina in which everything must be done. to be mastered of power. "Then he summed up and declared that Kirchnerism" is a project of fundamentalist bases, in which they beat people for some kind of idea that the world belongs to them ".

In this line, he baderted that the Kirchner governments acted in the belief that "they owned the country, the people's money and the state". "In fact, we have to pay the last peso that people deposit in our country with high and expensive taxes," he added, stressing: "We want to return what criminals stole".

However, he said economic problems covered this debate between the two philosophies. In this line, he baderted that many "do not see" the transformation strategy "because they suffer from the country's inflation problems and structural problems". "If we succeed, we will go through a historic closing," he said. For her, then, "it's a very stimulating and moving campaign".

"I tell everyone in Cambiemos that we can not go into anguish or watch every day what the street says, but what we should do is build a change," he said, although he said He says he's not looking at an investigation, he's lying. "

As he acknowledged, the government's main mistake was "to think that the arrival of a different government would cause the world to look at us differently". And he added, "We got into debt a bit, we made progress and we suddenly came up with natural drought and real drought." We were trying to get out of this brave wave. "

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