Patricia Bullrich, on K corruption: "It's a network armed and ridden by Cristina who falls like a Jenga" – 02/07/2019


After the announcement of a new corruption case under the Kirchner government, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, is of the opinion that it is "an armed network and ridden by the former president who falls like a Jenga".

"This shows that it is a network absolutely badembled and badembled by the former president and her husband, with various sectors of government, with their businesses, friends, with all a badembled device, which falls like a Jenga.Justice will come and citizens will be able to regain their trust, "said the minister under the program We Are Great (Todo Noticias).

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Bullrich spoke hours after Carolina Pochetti, widow of Daniel Muñoz, said that the late former secretary of Néstor Kirchner had disbursed a million dollar sum for Judge Luis Rodríguez to favor him in a judicial process.

In this regard, the minister pointed out that much of the badets recovered from corruption could be made available to justice. "Many properties illegally owned by detainees, such as Pata Medina and others, are now used by the state to work for justice.These badets are not an extinguished domain, they are borrowed ", he added.

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The grievor also mentioned her portfolio and highlighted the work accomplished during these three years. "We changed the paradigm of security, we have gone from zaffaronism to a model where the victim and society are the center and not the aggressor. The law in Kirchner's model was a nuisance, "he said, although he admitted that" between what we want and who we are, we miss a lot. "

About foreigners who commit crimes, Bullrich was categorical: "We are against the criminals, if they are Argentinian, they are serving the sentence here, but it is a matter of course. foreigners who are serving their sentence and then return to their country ".

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He also called for tougher penalties for motorcycles, a crime that "had not been thought of in 1921", so that it will be covered by the new Penal Code. "Judges today have tools, such as the flagrancy law, to be able to sentence them immediately, and especially if they have recidivism, they can not get probation. Bikers must submit to an effective sanction", a point.

Finally, Bullrich mentioned the incorporation of the Taser electric guns and responded to those who thought they could be used as an element of torture: "If anyone thinks the security guards will not do what is well, but they will not do it We give nothing, not a gun, not a stick, we have no cops. "And he concluded," Now, if we give them a weapon, a salary and equipment, we have to give them the good … In Brazil, there are 60,000 tasers and they have hardly had any problems ".


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