Patricia Bullrich: "The wake of Néstor Kirchner was a mise-en-scène" – 19/03/2019


The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, has described tonight's "staging" the wake of former President Néstor Kirchner and compared it to the video in which the former President Cristina Fernandez explained the reasons for his recent trip to India. Cuba

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Invited to the TV cycle that Luis Majul is in the lead, Bullrich added that his former president was spread via his social networks, in which he explained the reasons for his trip to Havana and gave details on the state of health. . of his daughter Florence.

"Video is part of the advertising model that they have used for a long time." Néstor Kirchner's wake was the same, it was a staged, the duel and the whole situation, there is pain, but there is also a montage on the pain, propaganda, they build a propaganda that tries to break down some barriers of sensitivity, "said the former deputy.

In addition, citing the possibility that the Kirchner returns to the government, Bullrich endorses the statements of Graciana Peñafort, one of the lawyers referring to Kirchner, who warned that, when he came back to power, would ask for the creation of a "ministry". of revenge. "

"It seems to me that this fits into the logic of a country where the law reconciles power, revenge and murder, physical or otherwise, always past, Stalin killed 20 million people … and I compare it because the logic of the model of power is the same: the power is one, there is no division of powers, the justice defends the rights of the rulers and not of the society, the media answer it, it is the model of society they proposed, "the minister replied, using a striking badogy.

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Bullrich also mentioned the judicial hearings that were broadcast during the last hours during which Guillermo Moreno, former Secretary of Commerce, met with Julio De Vido's wife and asked him "not to not to sing the compañeros ".

"I'm not surprised, because Kirchnerism was the great violation of the law, the country outside the law. omerta (law of silence, code of honor of the mafias) is the system that they defend. For them, justice returns, as said the mayor of San Antonio de Areco: "let our activists to the Supreme Court of Justice", they believe that justice is to defend themselves among them. "

Finally, Bullrich provided information on the cause of two Iranian citizens arrested for entering the country with false documents. "I think they're a couple who have a lot of question marks, what they said to the judge is part of what is the focus of the investigation, the other part is to know their behavior, what they do, what they have on the phone, we will not believe the theory of adultery that way, but we will not say that because they are Iranian, they are terrorists, "he said.


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