Patricia Bullrich went to London in search of increased international support


The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, has begun a tour of London in order to strengthen the ties and support of the British government in the fight against drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorism.

The security problem is one of the strong cards that he plays Mauricio Macri in the presidential campaign. In this context, Bullrich – seeking to deepen the management started in 2015 at the head of the national security portfolio – went to the United Kingdom to participate in various activities, including exceptional meetings with government representatives. of Theresa May.

Patricia Bullrich

Bullrich will be received by the Minister of Security of the Home Office, Ben WallaceVice Chancellor Alan Duncan and with John Parkinson, former chief of police of West Yorkshire. The purpose of these meetings will be to strengthen the Ministry's bilateral relations with Britain, strengthen the existing cooperation between the two countries and forge new agreements.

The minister participated Monday in a thesis at the International Institute of Strategic Studies, accompanied by the head of the general coordination. Gerardo Milman, in which he showed a balance sheet of his three years in charge of the portfolio. He emphasized "the fight against drug trafficking," said the ministry in a statement, adding that the agency recognized the program "Barrios Seguros".

Thematic security is needed and thus increases Bullrich's actions

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IIEE), based at Arundel House, is a recognized entity, particularly in the discussion of ideas and research related to defense and national security. Armed conflict, economic and energy security, security and development, defense and military badysis, among others.

In addition, during his visit to the English city, the Minister of Security will also visit the exhibition "Security & Policing 2019" and the Metropolitan Police (Scotland Yard).

CD / F.F.


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