Patrick Crusius confessed to being the author of the El Paso massacre and revealed the target of the attack


Nearly a week after the US mall attack that ended the lives of 22 people in the city of El Paso, a police document confirmed that Patrick Crusius, the main suspect of the mbadacre, the fact has been attributed and stated that his goal was "Mexicans".

According to the affidavit of the arrest warrant, which transcended over the last few hours, the 21-year-old admitted to having perpetrated the attack while he was circled by the police last Saturday, August 3, a few minutes after the shooting.

"I am the attacker"he shouted his hands in the air as he got out of his vehicle. Inside, the soldiers found the rifle that he used to shoot indiscriminately at anyone in the establishment.

After being apprehended, Crusius was transferred to a nearby police station, whereHe stated his right to remain silent or to have a lawyer present.

In the police working document, it was stated that "the defendant stated that once in the store opened fire with his AK-47 shoot several innocent victims "and that "he said that his goal was the "Mexicans".

The first images of the shooter

According to local media, before leading the Crusius attack published a manifesto through their social networks in which denounces a "Hispanic invasion" in Texas

As a result of the shooting eight Mexican citizens and many Hispanic Americans have pbaded away.

The security operation is mounted after the attack. (Photo: AFP)
The security operation is mounted after the attack. (Photo: AFP)

El Paso, where 83% of the inhabitants are of Latin originIt is about nine hours drive from the city of Allen, in the suburbs of Dallas, where Crusius lived, who would have deliberately chosen the city because of its Hispanic population.

The brutal attack perpetrated by the young man generated this reopened in the United States on debate on the use of firearms. In this country, 40,000 people die each year in incidents involving them, including suicides.


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