Payments are made for those who work abroad


When the government returned to change control last Sunday, September 1, it seemed like all the measures, such as purchase limit of $ 10,000 per month, Aimed at companies and major market operators. However, a regulation of the central bank in which prevents exporters of services from billing in dollars for the work they do abroad, they are therefore obliged to pesify within 5 days.

For example, if a freelance Work for another country, as a journalist who makes some sort of correspondent for a foreign media, the company will pay you in dollars. The worker will receive the dollars on his account, but he will have to collect the corresponding amount in pesos within a period of 5 days.

Unlike the purchase of dollars that has a ceiling, this new regulation has no limits. Or if a payment of 100 dollars or a payment of 10 thousand dollars follows the same rule: It must be paid within 5 days after payment.

"The first day has been announced, it's not a question of quantity, it's a matter of exporting and all exports must be cleared. The rule is quite clear, "they explained to PROFILE of the BCRA.

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The standard in question is the "A" communication 6770 of the plant"Fees for exports of services shall be introduced and settled on the local market in the event of a change within a period not exceeding five (5) working days from the date on which they were collected. abroad or in the country, or its accreditation in foreign accounts ".

The question arose after several people who had done the work before the publication of this regulation went to collect money and realized that they could not.

The price of the dollar used to spend the amount is the one that appears on the bank board at that time. For example, in the Banco Nación would pay $ 55 for every dollar.

The inconvenience arises when, once the payment is made, the person wishes to buy dollars. He thinks that you will have less dollars than you have been paid from abroad. Since, after charging the $ 55 dollars, you have to pay them at a higher price, today at $ 58.50, so You will lose about 6% in dollars.

"Exports formalized before 02.09.19 and whose payment is pending to date, as well as new advances and pre-financing, must be entered and settled on the local exchange market within 5 working days of the date of payment. collection or disbursements abroad or in the country, "adds the rule.

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Due to uncertainty, BCRA officials said that "the Central Bank regulates the banks and has communicated with the banks.Then the banks regulate or negotiate with the population.Any change in the operations of the population is due to a change in the Banking Regulations We have been very clear in the communication with the financial entities.Any type of export must be liquidated, so some of them they invoice work they have done outside and that they must liquidate. was announced the first day".

From the plant, they preferred not to comment if, at any time, they planned to change the amounts to be paid. "We are only talking about the measures actually put in place," they add.

While taking steps to be able to recover work done abroad, they said: "Receive the export." The bank calls your customer and asks him why this income is due. must prove that it has actually exported service and at that time you are pesificia.You have 5 days to do it. "

"It's a pretty difficult constraint, even Lacunza had said that it was excessive"he stressed PROFILE the financial specialist Amilcar Sticky. "Basically, the dollars are not being met, so these steps are being taken in. The regulations are being maintained because the situation has not stabilized and with the dollars, it's a short sheet." Without the disbursement of the fund , greater restrictions could be imposed, it would not be uncommon to wait for the month to limit the purchase limit or further restrict the exchange rate, "he said. he adds.



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