Pediatrician Garrahan refused to declare and they will seek his preventive prison | Chronic


The pediatrician of Garrahan Hospital Ricardo Russo, accused of possession and distribution of child badgraphy and links to an international network, refused to testify on Wednesday before the prosecutor, for which the public prosecutor's office will request his preventive detention from "There is enough evidence against him"says the prosecutor Daniela Dupuy.

"We are faced with the badumption of possible production, distribution and possession of images of minors for the purpose of badual exploitation, we have sufficient evidence to charge the detainee who has refused to testify Wednesday and we will ask the judge tomorrow his detention remand ", the prosecutor told an information channel.

He explained that the "The investigation is open but they found a lot more than a hundred videos on the inmate 's computer" and added "we are still investigating and we still do not know if there' s will have more arrests ".

It worked with users in Brazil and the United States.

He explained that "It is a transnational network dedicated to the distribution of badgraphic material via the platform E Mule, already criminalized in Article 128 of the Criminal Code" and added: "We do not know yet whether it was produced or by a third party."

Russo, 55, was head of the department of immunology and rheumatology of the child at Juan Garrahan Hospital and was arrested yesterday in the parking lot of this health center after more than 40 raids, of which seven in the city of Buenos Aires, related to the investigation.

During these raids, videos and photographs involved directly in an international network of production and distribution of child badgraphy, which worked on the call. "deep web" with users in Brazil and the United States, informed the Buenos Aires Ministry of Security.

The tests found concern minors aged 6 months to 14 years and in many images "The stretchers were visible and the same doctor detained participated in the production of the material", explained the security secretary of Buenos Aires Marcelo D'Alessandro.

The arrest of the doctor was requested by the office of the special prosecutor in charge of computer crimes of the city, in charge of the prosecutor. Dupuy and by the criminal judge, contraventions and offenses María Alejandra Doti. At the time of arrest "They hijacked a cell phone, which was for their personal use, and a USB stick that will be effective", detailed police.

Carlos Rojas, chief of cybercrime of the municipal police, said that according to the badysis of the pendants removed "It could be determined that they were reproducing images where children were abused or exposed to nudity."

"We understand that there are other places in Argentina as part of this network, research has collected enough elements of this person and this doctor was arrested"he badured.

For Rojas "This type of search is very complicated because these people try to hide themselves on the Web through IP, which makes it easier for them to remain anonymous."

He explained that the E-mule platforms "This allows to connect point by point, from which the program is loaded to another user who may be in another part of the world, in this case the image produced in Argentina, the user was in Brazil. "

The same doctor produced the badgraphic material.

The case stems from the operation intagrega declared by the Ecuadorian tax authorities "Luz de Infancia III" conducted by the United States Internal Security Authorities (FBI) and the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Brazilian Indictment.

This investigation had consequences for the fact that there was in Argentina a reason why the specialized prosecutor's office started to act "who have led raids all over the country, including seven in the city of Buenos Aires"said Alessandro.

"Through a whistleblower channel that the city attorney general has received, a key complaint is being received, there are raids where computers and USB drives are seized when there are evidence, abused children "said Alessandro.

He added that they were detected "Different IP addresses and all end in the sense that the computer has been hijacked by the doctor.These are very serious investigations.It's a crime of extreme gravity, so that there is sufficient evidence to impute to the doctor. "


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