Pedratra del Garrahan: his best friend fears that he will not commit suicide and says that he "sent a crap"


Alejandro Pipino he is the best friend of Ricardo Russo, pediatrician Garrahan hospital arrested for possession, production and distribution of child badgraphy. The man, also a doctor, admitted that his partner possessed material for the badual exploitation of minors, but demanded that he stop with the "lynching of the media" because is afraid that the doctor "commits suicide".

"He is guilty of something, of possession of material, of child badgraphy, he is a pediatrician, he takes care of children, he is a jerkbut he did not measure, he did not understand that this material could compromise him", badured the man in a newspaper interview Clarín. "I know him, I'm a serial interviewer, I have 400 patients a month.If I know something, it's to look like a person and Ricardo, I've never caught him in something very suspicious, "he added.

Pipino told the newspaper that he had known Russo for 30 years, when they had made their residency together in a hospital in La Plata. "I will be the most severe with him, if he is guilty, he will pay what he has to pay. do not kill him in the first place, let's stop with the lynching of the mediaLet justice investigate, "he asked.

A patient talks to Ricardo Russo who saved his life: "It left me cold"

The doctor called Russo, now dismissed, as "best pediatrician within reach" and "eminence". "Nobody in my environment wants me to talk, there is fear, I have it too, but I can not help thinking about my friend, I'm afraid that he does not do nothing, that he commits suicide, that's my obsession, "he said.

According to Pipino's testimony, in November, during the attack on Russo's house, the pediatrician called him to inform him of what was happening. "That night, I called him at his house and he acknowledged me that in one of the PCs that they took away, he had compromised materialThe doctor said that his friend had mentioned that it was a "video", but "never others have ever broadcast, trafficked or n '. provided this material ". "If he's guilty of possessing inappropriate material, it's a shit because he's a recognized pediatrician, but not disclosure or production, "he concluded.

"Luz de Infancia III": the international case that led to the capture of the pediatrician from Garrahan Hospital

Ricardo Alberto Russo 26 years ago, he was head of the immunology and rheumatology department at Garrahan Hospital and was captured while working. In the archives found on two of their computers, there were at least 800 photos and 70 images of children aged 6 months to 14 years with explicit badual content. Last Wednesday, May 29, during the operation, 17 USB keys, four laptops, two tablets, four cameras, four SD memory, external memory and a processor were diverted.

The pediatrician is imprisoned in Ezeiza Prison. Judge Martinez Vega ordered him into custody and ordered special checks. He also detailed what the accused is forbidden to do in prison. Visits, communications and technology devices will be targeted. He was lodged at the Buenos Aires City Hall and after being sentenced to pre-trial detention on the evening of Thursday, May 30, he was in charge of the Federal Prison Service (SPF).



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