Pedro Castillo announced military service for unemployed youth after assuming the presidency of Peru


With the help of Alberto Fernández and other leaders of the region, Pedro Castillo assumed the presidency of Peru on Wednesday. And in his first speech he left a controversial proposal for the unemployed young people. And he issued an ultimatum to “foreign criminals” based in his country.

“Young people who neither study nor work must do his military service”Said the brand new Peruvian president.

A few minutes earlier, he had made another announcement of similar harshness. “Foreign criminals will have 72 hours term from date leave the country“Castillo assured Congress after his inauguration.

This Wednesday he swore “my God, for my family, for my Peruvian brothers and sisters, peasants, natives “to hold elected office in Peru until 2026. He added that he had sworn “for a country without corruption and for a new Constitution. “

Pedro Castillo in his inaugural address to the Congress of Peru.  Photo AFP Presidency

Pedro Castillo in his inaugural address to the Congress of Peru. Photo AFP Presidency

His most important announcement was the project of reform the constitution from Peru, developed in 1993 under the mandate of Alberto Fujimori.

“One of our main political flags, now converted into the flag of the majority of the people, is the convocation of a constituent assembly, which endows our country with a new Magna Carta which allows change face to our economic and social reality, ”Castillo said.

Either way, he recognized that a long work in parliament. “Without a doubt, to achieve this goal, we will have to reconcile positions with Congress, as will be the case here, in this house of laws, where the corresponding standards will have to be approved,” he admitted.

Pedro Castillo and the President of the Congress, María del Carmen Alva, after the investiture of the new President of Peru.  Reuters photo

Pedro Castillo and the President of the Congress, María del Carmen Alva, after the investiture of the new President of Peru. Reuters photo

Castillo’s campaign proposal to change the current constitution was rejected by his right-wing rival Keiko Fujimori, daughter of the former president, and other political opponents.

“We will insist on this proposal, but within the legal framework provided for in the Constitution, ”said the new president, whose Peru Free party holds only 37 of the 130 seats in Parliament.

The Government Palace will yield

Castillo further announced that He will not rule the country from the Pizarro Palace, the Government House, because he plans to transform it into a museum.

“I will not rule from House Pizarro, because I think we must break with colonial symbols. We will cede this Palace to the new Ministry of Cultures for use like a museum that shows our history, ”said the Peruvian president.

The Government Palace, also known as the Pizarro Palace, in the Plaza de Armas in Lima, Peru.  EFE Photo File

The Government Palace, also known as the Pizarro Palace, in the Plaza de Armas in Lima, Peru. EFE Photo File

The former rural teacher from Cajamarca also promised in his nearly hour-long speech to foreign authorities that at the end of his term on July 28, 2026, he will resume his “usual teaching duties”.

Castillo, 51, representative of the Peruvian left, was elected by ballot against Keiko Fujimori, whom he passed by only 44,263 votes. After more than a month of complaints and uncertainties, the national election jury proclaimed him president on July 20.

Despite his leftist origin, he said on Wednesday that respect private property. And he announced these other measures that could wake up a ambiguous ideological consideration.

In this sense, he declared that it is “totally false” that his government is going to carry out expropriations or nationalizations. He thus arrived at the crossroads of accusations made by his political opponents.

Anyway, he warned that there would be a system in which “the big companies don’t cheat with cash“And he assured that the State will have a supervisory role in the” defense of the environment and the rights of consumers “.



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