Pedro Castillo in his first speech at the UN: “An educated people will never be wrong”


Castillo proposed signing a global agreement between heads of state and patent holders to ensure universal access to vaccines.  (REUTERS)
Castillo proposed signing a global agreement between heads of state and patent holders to ensure universal access to vaccines. (REUTERS)

On Tuesday September 21, the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo Terrones participated in the 76 United Nations General Assembly (UN), which takes place at its headquarters in New York, United States.

Castillo’s turn came after his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah Al Sisi.

At the start of his first speech at the UN, which lasted about 15 minutes, the president estimated that “new social pact in Peru”.

It’s about building a new social pact in Peru which ensures democratic governance with peace, social cohesion (…) And that it succeeds in eliminating extreme poverty. This reduces inequalities and leaves exclusion and racism as limits to equal access to state and market in the pastHe expressed and later added that it was also necessary to develop a new global social pact.


The Peruvian president said in his speech that the fight against the pandemic demonstrated the “inability of the international system to cooperate according to the principles of solidarity and efficiency”.

We need agreements that ensure equity in access to vaccines and their application. Multilateral cooperation is the big absence in the fight against Covid-19. The initiative for a new global agenda should include vigorous and urgent multilateral actions to fight the pandemic and provide access for all countries, especially the poorest, to vaccines and complementary health coverage.“, noted.

Peru will be an active and dynamic member in the common task so that all countries have inclusive, equitable and non-discriminatory access to all diagnostics, therapies, drugs and vaccines.“He added.

Castillo proposed the signing of a global agreement between heads of state and vaccine patent holders to guarantee them universal access for all the inhabitants of the planet without discrimination or privilege”.


On the other hand, Castillo said that Peru is implementing the United Nations Agenda 2030 to reduce the effects of climate change and He called on the world powers to follow the same path.

The countries which pollute the most must imperatively respect the obligations which they have assumed. Peru assumes the goal of becoming a carbon neutral country by 2050 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30-40% compared to what is projected for 2030“, did he declare.

He added that Peru is attached to the planet and that your government will declare a national climate emergency.


The President of Peru also referred to the period of terrorism that the country has known. “We condemn and reject terrorism in all its forms. We support any action to fight it“, noted.

Terrorism has never been and never will be a means of social transformation. Violence only breeds destruction, human rights violations and its victims are the poorest and dispossessed“He added.

Castillo assured that Peru is committed to international peace and security.

Finally, he stressed the importance of education, especially for children. “As a teacher and as a government, I have to tell you: invest in education. Because an educated people will never be wrong», He concluded.


Previously, Pedro Castillo had foreseen that he would give “a message of unity, of tranquility. “We must end the endemic ills of the world,” the president said in brief statements to the press.

As he pointed out, this corresponds to “calling the greatest unity of all countries.”

A few hours earlier, Castillo had been received by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. A hundred heads of government participate in this meeting, canceled last year due to the appearance of Covid 19.

Antonio Guterres announced that the main topics to be discussed at the General Assembly are the measures against COVID-19, policies against climate change and the situation in Afghanistan.


Before your participation in the United Nations General Assembly, the President of the Republic, Pedro Castillo, met the President of the World Bank, David Malpass at 1:00 p.m.

From 5 p.m., he will have a meeting with the head of the Inter-American Development Bank, Mauricio Claver-Carone.

Later, the president will meet with the director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Giorgieva.

In the evening, at 11 am to clarify, the presidential delegation will be back in Lima. The president and his companions are expected to arrive in the Peruvian capital at 6 a.m. on September 22.


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