Pedro Sánchez condemned the protests against the arrest …


The head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez, went to the crossroads of protests against the arrest of the rapper Pablo Hasel. The agent described violence in protests calling for Hasel’s release as “unacceptable” and warned that “will cope”. He also admitted that Spain had an outstanding debt “to extend and improve freedom of expression”

“Violence is an attack on democracy. Therefore, the Spanish government will face all kinds of violenceSaid the socialist and added: “In a full democracy, and the Spanish democracy is a full democracy, the use of any recourse to violence is inadmissible“.

His statements amid criticism of the right to reactions triggered by Hasel’s arrest They also come against a backdrop of tension with Podemos, a political space associated with socialism within the governing coalition, whose leaders have supported demands in favor of the release of the rapper and criticized the police action.

Since Tuesday, the day of the rapper’s arrest, protests have been recorded in cities like Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Granada or Valencia. During the protests, around 100 people were arrested and as many injured.

Hasel, 32, was sentenced to nine months in prison for his tweets against King Juan Carlos I and various Spanish institutions.

His case generated a rapper-pablo-hasel-reopened-el-debate-sobre – “> debate on freedom of expression in Spain, with a journey similar to that of rapper Valtonyc, who fled to Belgium in 2018 to avoid going to prison .

The socialist executive has promised to revise the penal code to prevent this type of crime from being punishable by prison terms. “Spanish democracy has an outstanding task, which is to expand and improve freedom of expression,” Sánchez admitted in his speech.

Hasel has received the support of cultural figures as well as organizations such as Amnesty International, which launched a campaign with the slogan “rap is not a crime”.


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