Pedro Sánchez does not gather consensus and Spain is on the brink of new elections


The Spanish Socialist President Pedro Sanchez recognized that he did not have enough support to be re-elected, so Spain there will be a new election in November that will relieve the responsibility of the opposition, particularly in United We, which "rejected up to five pact formulas".

Sánchez appeared before the press in the Palace of Moncloa after the closure of the political consultation round of King Felipe VI, who announced that he would no longer propose him as a nominee for the nomination, as he did not have the support needed to obtain the "confidence" of Parliament.

"I tried by all means to set up a moderate government without frentismes, but they made it impossible for me," said the head of the government. Socialist Party, who won the elections of April 28 with no absolute majority.

"Unfortunately, two conservative forces and one from the left preferred to block what the polls said," he said.

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Therefore, thinking of the new elections, he asked the Spaniards to "say it even more clearly" so that a "solid government and more blockages" could be formed.

"Sadly Spanish conservatives have little to do with European conservatives and chose not to take it into account, "he said. Sanchez, referring to the People's Party and its refusal to facilitate his investiture.

"The citizens have nothing to do with the center nor with the liberals of Europe," added Sanchez, accusing the party of Albert Rivera to prefer "embrace the far right" instead of guaranteeing the existence of a government in Spain.

J.D. / MC


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