Pegana Diet: Veganism Combines with Paleolithic Foods


By 2018, the "Keto" or ketogenic diet was the most sought after food habit on the internet. Apparently, it's a thing of the past. The arrival of this year has brought a new trend: the pegana regime. Interest has exploded in the United States after the publication of a book by Dr. Mark Hyman. Here, we tell you what it is and we consult a nutrition expert to know the implications.

In principle, this is a combination of two existing regimes: the paleo – which relies on the consumption of food that would have existed in the Paleolithic – and the vegan – that excludes all foods of animal origin, including eggs and dairy products -. With this, anyone who follows this diet will have to eat 75% of fruits and vegetables but will have to add 25% of organic products of animal origin, such as fish and meat. With regard to restrictions, cereals and legumes, processed foods, saturated fats and sugars are prohibited. Dairy products are exceptionally allowed (they must be consumed in small quantities, be organic and from animals fed only grbad).

Is this proposal sound? To badyze it, Comfort He consulted nutritionist and anthropologist Facundo Crescenzo (M.N. 6769). "From a food point of view, I do not see any problem. Basic nutrients are present; Carbohydrates are covered with fruits and vegetables; there are proteins of animal origin and macro and micronutrients are not lacking, "he said.

However, the professional made some observations to take into account. On the one hand, he warned that "talking about vegan diet when incorporating food of animal origin is hypocrisy from a point of view ideologicalwhich is why many people adhere to this way of eating. "On the other hand, he pointed out that he considered the lack of alternatives as a weak point of diet for the pegan.

"The conflict that I see – and that I've already observed in Paleo, although it seems to me a fairly complete diet – is that limits the options for developing a varied plan, which is difficult to maintain in the long term"He thinks, whatever it is, he said it will depend on our rigor.

And what about dairy products? Dr. Crescenzo explained that "although this is what attracts the most attention, we do not need it in abundance". In this sense, he listed the importance of doing physical activity, maintaining sufficient weight, eating fruits and vegetables to maintain an alkaline diet and exposing oneself to the sun for activate vitamin D.

"I think this dietary habit, along with paleo and veganism, are some of the most consistent alternatives that have emerged – unlike options such as intermittent fasting, food-based diets, mono-diet diets, ketone diets. or ketogenic, which harms us and does not work, "added the specialist.With proper organization, everyone can do it. Maybe it's not the cheapest plan but it does not seem to be lacking in anything, "he concluded.


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