Pemex takes over operation of Mexico’s largest private oilfield from Talos


FILE PHOTO: A logo of Mexican state oil company Pemex is pictured during a visit by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to the Cadereyta refinery in Cadereyta on the outskirts of Monterrey, Mexico, on August 27, 2020. REUTERS / Daniel Becerril / File photo
FILE PHOTO: A logo of Mexican state oil company Pemex is pictured during a visit by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to the Cadereyta refinery in Cadereyta on the outskirts of Monterrey, Mexico, on August 27, 2020. REUTERS / Daniel Becerril / File photo

Mexico’s Secretary of Energy designated Petróleos Mexicanos as operator of the country’s largest oil discovery by private companies, making it the latest sign of the government’s nationalist approach to the energy industry.

Zama’s field, discovered in 2017 by a private consortium led by Talos Energy Inc., will be operated by the public producer, according to a person familiar with the situation who asked not to be identified because the decision was not made public. The resolution ends a long-standing dispute between Pemex, as the crown corporation is known, and Houston-based Talos over the operation of the field, which holds up to 1 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Energy of Mexico and Pemex did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Timothy Duncan, CEO of Talos, did not immediately respond to a call for comment.

The Reforma newspaper previously reported that Talos and Pemex were informed by Mexican authorities through a letter. the public company had the technical capacity and the conditions to exploit the deposit. The estate, shared by the two companies, is located in the Bay of Campeche.

Archive image.  Presentation of the platform "Ku Maloob Zaap" of the state oil company Pemex, located in Campeche Bay, Mexico.  April 19, 2013. REUTERS / Victor Ruiz Garcia
Archive image. General view of the “Ku Maloob Zaap” platform of the national oil company Pemex, located in Campeche Bay, Mexico. April 19, 2013. REUTERS / Victor Ruiz Garcia


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