Penguins attacked a sushi place and were arrested | Chronic


The most unusual thieves: two penguin penguins from New Zealand stormed the premises of a vendor from New Zealand. sushi from the busiest station in Wellington. Local police took the little creatures to their natural habitat.

Authorities said they were informed over the weekend of the presence of any of these animals in the city center. They therefore proceeded to return to the waters of the port..

The feathered ones were captured by the authorities.

But the bird came back to the site with an accomplice. The "homeless homeless"As the researchers called them, they began to nest at a sushi kiosk at Wellington Station in the heart of the city.

They had to be lured with salmon to capture them and send them back to the sea. The wildlife authorities also secured the place to prevent the repetition of these unusual "thieves".

This species is usually about 25 centimeters tall.

according to Jack Mace, director of the Department of Nature Protection, the birds that enter the breeding season are looking for a small safe place "to open your shop and lay your eggs".

To get to the station, the couple may have had to cross a highway, but it is possible, according to Mace, that they managed to sneak into the water pipes.

At a height of 25 cm, these blue penguins are the smallest of their kind. They weigh about one kilo and are in danger of extinction because of urban development and loss of habitat.


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