Pension reform already half-sanctioned in Brazil


The plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil this evening approved the legal framework of the pension reform promoted by the government of Jair Bolsonaro, but you should still submit the text for further discussion especially before sending it to the Senate.

The first of two votes needed for the approval of the text defining the general framework of the reform concluded in the Chamber of Deputies with the support of 379 parliamentarians, against the rejection of 131.

Thus, the necessary three-fifths (308 out of 513 votes) were exceeded, which requires a constitutional amendment such as the proposal, whose parliamentary procedure is complex and requires several votes.

The vote in the lower house should take place before next Saturday. because Parliament will begin on August 18 the suspension of the parliamentary hearing that will end on August 1 and that the intention of the majority government is to speed up the process.

During the debate, in front of the Parliament, dozens of people rallied to protest against the government's initiative. Minor clashes took place with the police.

In San Pablo, another demonstration was recorded, convened by trade unions, but no significant incident took place there.

The pension reform is the big gamble of the Bolsonaro government of trying to rebuild an economy that had lost 7 percentage points between 2015 and 2016, but that had recorded an insufficient growth of 1% per annum in 2017 and 2018 and who feared this year falling into recession


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