Pentagon confirmed 2019 UFO video captured in California to be genuine


A documentary maker posted the material on his social media.

The Pentagon has confirmed in the last few hours the authenticity of the video in which an unidentified object (UFO) is seen, or what the United States government calls unidentified aerial phenomena (UFOs). Filming dates from 2019 and it was taken from a navy ship of that country and published by a documentary filmmaker.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense, Susan gough, assured that the shooting is real: “I can confirm that the video was recorded by Navy personnel and that the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF, for its acronym in English, belonging to the Office of Naval Intelligence of USA) included him in his ongoing investigations“, Held.

The video, published a few hours ago by the documentary filmmaker Jeremy corbell In his social networks, he shows what the Pentagon experts have defined as a “transmedia vehicle”, that is to say a vehicle capable of moving in the air, in water and in a vacuum and that, as can be seen in the pictures, entered ocean waters without suffering any damage.

Corbell explained that the recording was made from the combat information center of the littoral combatant ship USS Omaha. July 15, 2019. In addition, he assured that the sighting had taken place near San Diego and that later no remains or traces of the strange spherical object were found.

The documentary maker posted the material on his networks. (Photo: Instagram / @ jeremycorbell)

According to reports, in 2019, several U.S. Navy ships sighted strange objects in the air near the California coast, events that led to investigations by naval intelligence and even the FBI.

Former Navy pilot spoke of sightings

In the same spirit, and depending on the progress of an interview with the program 60 minutes (CBS), the former US Navy pilot. Ryan grave said members of his F / A-18 fighter squad seen unidentified aerial objects in a confined space near Virginia Beach almost daily, between 2015 and 2017.

In view of this, he said that this type of object poses a threat to security and does not exclude that it could be a UFO or an attempt at surveillance, for example, Russia or China. “Honestly, I’m worried. If there were tactical planes from another country, that would be a huge problem.“, he underlined.

He also assured that among the pilots it is speculated that the objects in question could be secret American technology or something totally different, and although he admits he has no idea what was captured in all of those videos, he personally has an idea formulated: “The greatest probability is that be a threat monitoring program“.


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