People swim for their lives after being dragged by the currents of Dorian


A group of people was swept away by the flood current caused by Hurricane Dorian this Sunday in the Bahamas. The force of the storm forced a man, three women and two teenagers to cross a street of an island town until they could save them for help. a rope.

The images of the dramatic moment were recorded by the ABC News team that was in place while the eye of the Category 5 storm was pbading over the Abaco Islands. "We could hear them screaming and our producer, who was separated from them by this torrent of water, had to swim," said channel correspondent Marcus Moore.

The people around them motivated the group to continue to swim and stay afloat. At the exit of the water, the people were transferred to a safe place but were very shocked. "We are happy to be safe," said one of the women.

"It was really a race against the clock because we were in the eyes of the hurricane, I was calm, but we knew that in a few minutes, the rest of the storm was going to pbad and s & rsquo; To intensify again, "said Moore.

Hurricane Dorian, which landed north-west of the Bahamas last Sunday with sustained winds of 297 kilometers an hour, claimed the lives of at least seven people and caused widespread destruction and flooding in the nation. Caribbean, making rescue work difficult Currently, the cyclone has moved from category 5 to category 2 and is heading to the east coast of Florida (USA).




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