Pérez-Reverte threatens to leave the SAR if the Constitution is changed with an inclusive language


On July 10 Arturo Pérez-Reverte wrote on Twitter: "You have my word", in response to @ bmogollón who claimed that the writer would be the only one to leave La Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), if she agreed to change the constitution of Spain to adapt it to an inclusive language.

The debate on inclusive language at the Royal Academy began a few months earlier, when Arturo Perez-Reverte published an article in the October 2 edition 2016 of the magazine LX Weekly, where he admits his helplessness to the silence of RAE against a proposal that he and other members of the academy have made: write a letter to the Junta de Andalucía highlighting the uselessness and ridicule of a law that would oblige Andalusian teachers to use, in clbadrooms, the distribution of genres in the language

S a colleague of RAE the historian and specialist of Don Quixote [VIDEO] Francisco Rios he responded publicly to this article (In which Pérez-Reverte was launched in advance against some sectors of the RAE) in the newspaper El País and the creator of El Capitán Alatriste gave another charge in the same medium. This chapter of the story ended with the last point that Paco Ríos placed in writing a six-line article in the same journal

A deep and funny word battle in which academics fight to fight and who is on fire I live, because the Vice President Carmen Calvo asked a report to RAE, in which she determines whether the Spanish constitution "is written in a language that also reflects the reality of men and women ". Women and what formulas could modify it if it is not the case. "

The big questions

The debate on inclusive language is expanding in social networks, voices are rising with issues that already haunt Spanish-speaking society since a few years ago. Nicolás Maduro and other politicians began using the language included in their speeches, and they made hair on their heads with over a million and millions, members and members and many others "The division between the bades", the questions began to materialize: What is the importance of inclusive language in the fight against gender discrimination? The Uruguayan historian Emilia Pérez Santarcieri in an interview conducted by Teledoce, says that there are many words of easy conversion, others like the mariscalas [19459008werealreadyinusesince1756andothersas the seamstress were used for both bades when the craft was also created by men and, he points out, there was no doubt that there had been other more serious things that discriminate, that deserve more attention than the confused use of an inclusive language .

Opinions divided

In the debate on inclusive language in social networks, some say that attention should not be focused on an article or the end of a word, but in the real problems to be solved and that are left in the inkwell with unnecessary distractions. For others, the true cases of discrimination are as important as the way we speak and we include women and men in the language.

The professor of the University of Valencia, Adela Cortina goal RAE just approved last December the word aporophobia : phobia poor, says that "When things do not have words to designate them are not part of the human world, People need to recognize things with words". And it is one of the most powerful reasons offered by those who favor the inclusive language : what is named, exists.

And for others, as Arturo Pérez-Reverte ] (who defined and introduced into the dictionary of RAE words like graffiti and the verb tweet) is ridiculous split like "only a few politicians demagogues and some idiots, no one uses in the real language". The debate on inclusive language is complete, we will see what role continues to play Real Academia Española [VIDEO] and if Arturo Pérez-Reverte "let the door slam", and we will continue to listen to what the voice of the people, the true users of the language, must contribute.

This news has been verified by:

  • https://elpais.com/cultura/2016/10/13/actualidad/1476377157_913599.html https://www.teledoce.com/programas/desayunos-informales/el-language-discrimina-una-cosa- is-feminist-and-one-other-is-catches-the-first-omnibus-what's happening / https://www.20minutos.es/noticia/3263438/0/adela-cortina-no-puede -haber- democratic-societies-who-reject-the-poor-who-end-with-aporophobia /
  • http://www.europapress.es/epsocial/igualdad/noticia-gobierno-encarga-rae- estudio-adecuar – Constitucion-lenguaje-inclusive-20180710121330.html https://elpais.com/cultura/2016/10/17/actualidad/1476709450_482804.html

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