Pérez Volpin: "It's very ugly to think of a risk of becoming a crime," said the endoscopist


Bialolenkier defends his position

In a letter to a group of colleagues who began to speak this morning, the endoscopist sentenced to three years in prison for the death of Debora Pérez Volpin, was first expressed outside building.
proceedings, in which the
the anesthetist Nélida Puente, who was acquitted.

"It's very ugly to think that a risk becomes a crime," said Diego Bialolenkier this morning, after thanking the "support at that time" from other professionals of the text that he had accepted.

In addition, the professional referred to the anesthetist with whom he had shared the afternoon of February 6 in one of the operating rooms of the Sanatorium of La Trinidad, in the Palermo district.

"Doctors do not commit crime, no minimal logic of thought can make us think that, but unfortunately, this fact has made that a doctor pbadionate about this profession can not only exercise it, but they do not. Did not admit any credibility. " my words, based on hypothetical facts supported by the forensic medical body in which no more or less a member of the AAA has participated so far [por la Asociación de Anestesia, Analgesia y Reanimación de Buenos Aires], generating an absolutely biased report against endoscopy and in favor of his colleague, "wrote Bialolenkier.


He also recalled that, in his plea, he expressed doubts about this report, although he said that he was not trying to get guilt through this warning between colleagues. "The verdict is taken and I have to pay for it and I will take charge," he said.

The letter was sent to 869 participants of the Telegram group created this morning and from where a call to the slogan # SomosMedicosNoAbadinos was mobilized for a mobilization tomorrow, at 18, in front of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires.

Professionals also participate in the Sanatorium of La Trinidad in Palermo, where Pérez Volpin died. THE NATION attempted to contact the organizers of the call without getting an answer, nor was it an initiative of the clinic or prepaid company to which it was belongs.

With the call, which was still receiving doctors of different specialties, hospitals and private centers, until noon, the group released the following information: "We gathered here to give a new image to our profession, so often abused Supporting a colleague who has performed an endoscopic procedure Let's first consider that highly qualified professionals are interviewed, with a minimum of 11 years of education and training. "

One of the participants downloaded a letter of support from the Board of Directors of the College of Physicians of Buenos Aires Province, District III, to a statement issued last week by the Digestive Endoscopists Association of Buenos Aires (Endiba), subsidiary of the Argentine Federation of Digestive Endoscopy representing 60% of the country's specialists. Endiba warned, among other things, that the details released during the oral trial regarding the death of Pérez Volpin have rekindled fears and doubts about "a safe procedure" in patients who undergo digestive endoscopy or who turn to do the same. # 39; study

Bialolenkier also manifested in this line in his letter. "Because the community deserves to continue to be treated, because the endoscopy is not only diagnostic and therapeutic, it is preventive.This means that they did not know how to represent it, which generated fear in the population, "he wrote.

The letter

What follows is the integral content of the letter on which Bialolenkier acknowledged his paternity, as confirmed by a source of his environment:


Thank you first for support right now. A known friend and people I knew and whom I always knew that he's been supporting me since being confined. Special mention to the president of Endiba, the doctor. [Lorenzo] Padin, for joining me that fateful night and finishing next to me the day of the sentence.

Thank the company for the words of support I receive constantly.

It is very ugly to think of a risk of becoming a crime. As doctors, we do not commit crimes and no minimal logic of thought can make it think. But this fact has unfortunately spawned the fact that a doctor who loves this profession can not only not exercise it, but he has not admitted any credibility to my words, based on facts Hypotheticals supported by the forensic medical body in which I participate until at the moment neither more nor less a member of the AAA, generating an absolutely biased report against endoscopy and in favor from his colleague.

Many doubts raised in our allegation have been expressed about these at least striking reports. But here I do not want to find responsible. The verdict is taken and I have to pay for it and I will take over.

I need it to be a point of reflection for everyone, that endoscopy is governed by its own rules, that if there are none, they should be completed. if they are finished, let each colleague be supported, because we are only ourselves. .

The rest of the medical society was injured, with the exception of anesthesia which, clearly and as we all know, is an autonomous entity and disinterested in the interests of our medical community in general. Without focusing more on the details, I want to thank you all, friends, colleagues, because at the worst moment of my career, I felt you present.

Because I know that society can be very strong, because the community deserves to continue to be treated, because endoscopy is not only diagnostic and therapeutic, endoscopy is preventative and this means that I did not know how to represent it, which caused fear in the population.

I conclude simply by reiterating and from deep within me, thank you all. And I want you to know that even though I can not exercise for a long time, I have not lost my calling and no one wins the title. Count on me for anything. I will always be in my humble place and with great experience at a cost.

I greet everyone.

Diego Bialolenkier



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