#Perlita: the day San Martin was Perón (again)


#Perlita: the day San Martin was Perón (yet) | MDZ online

The actor Tino Neglia as Perón.

Yesterday, the PJ commemorated the 70th anniversary of the National Congress of Philosophy, held at the National University of Cuyo, and the launch of The Community hosted by President Juan Domingo Perón.

In the presence of party leaders and several local stewards, a special appearance has been added: that of Peron himself. The person in charge of personifying him was an actor known to have represented another important figure in the history of Argentina, General José de San Martín. Yes, Tino Neglia was put in the general's place and gave a speech to those present.

This is not the first time that Martín "Tino" Neglia puts himself in the place of Perón since he was once the protagonist of the work "Perón e Yrigoyen: the national heritage and popular". At that time, during an interview, he felt that Perón and San Martín had similarities: "Perón is inspired by many elements of San Martín as a soldier.Some San Martín letters are considered as fundamental values ​​by most politicians "


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